Magyar és nemzetközi szakirodalom és alkalmazási területek

A hivatalos magyar és nemzetközi szakirodalom sokrétűen foglalkozik a termékben lévő összetevők hatóanyagaival kapcsolatos elméleti alapokkal, tudományos vizsgálatokkal, gyakorlati tapasztalatokkal. A tudatos fogyasztó számára kötelező tájékoztatást adnunk arról, amit megvásárol. Jelen tájékoztató a fogyasztók megfelelő és teljeskörű tájékoztatását, valamint a megalapozott és tudatos fogyasztói döntés segítését szolgálja az epesavak és a gyógynövények élettani hatásaira vonatkozó szakirodalom vázlatos bemutatásával. Jelen tájékoztató összeállítása során mindenben a fogyasztóvédelemről szóló 1997. évi CLV. törvény használati és kezelési útmutatóra vonatkozó rendelkezései, az élelmiszerláncról és hatósági felügyeletéről szóló 2008. évi XLVI. törvény élelmiszerek címkézésére vonatkozó rendelkezései és a fogyasztókkal szembeni tisztességtelen kereskedelmi gyakorlat tilalmáról szóló 2008. évi XLVII. törvény általános előírásai valamint EU 2000/13/EK és 1924/2006/EK irányelvek illetve rendeletek szerint jártunk el, szem előtt tartva a jogszabályok azon törekvését, hogy a fogyasztó a lehető legteljesebb és legrészletesebb információval rendelkezzen az általa megvásárolni szándékozott vagy már megvett termékkel és annak hatóanyagaival kapcsolatosan. A termék alapanyagaival kapcsolatos információk ismeretterjesztő célzatúak, nem utalnak a termékkel kapcsolatos összhatásokra, amit célzottan a terméktájékoztatóban találnak meg.

A GALLMET termékeket mindenki saját felelősségére használja és ajánlott, hogy az orvosával is egyeztessen!

Szakirodalmi gyűjtemény az immunrendszer erősítésével kapcsolatban

fekete bodza

Fekete bodza (Sambucus Nigra)

A. melléklet

  1. Antiviral properties of Elderberry – Domina Petric, MD – Source:
  2. Botanical drugs and supplements affecting the immune response in the time of COVID‐19: Implications for research and clinical practice – Thomas Brendler, Ahmed Al‐Harrasi, Rudolf Bauer, Stefan Gafner, Mary L. Hardy, Michael Heinrich, Hossein Hosseinzadeh, Angelo A. Izzo, Martin Michaelis, Marjan Nassiri‐Asl, Alexander Panossian, Solomon P. Wasser, Elizabeth M. Williamson – Source:
  3. Inhibitory activity of a standardized elderberry liquid extract against clinically-relevant human respiratory bacterial pathogens and influenza A and B virusesSource: Christian Krawitz1, Mobarak Abu Mraheil†, Michael Stein, Can Imirzalioglu, Eugen Domann, Stephan Pleschka, Torsten Hain – Source:
  4. Randomized study of the efficacy and safety of oral elderberry extract in the treatment of influenza A and B virus infections – Z Zakay-Rones, E Thom, T Wollan, J Wadstein – Source:
  5. Elderberry Supplementation Reduces Cold Duration and Symptoms in Air-Travellers: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial – Evelin Tiralongo, Shirley S. Wee, Rodney A. Lea – Source:
  6. Inhibition of several strains of influenza virus in vitro and reduction of symptoms by an elderberry extract (Sambucus nigra L.) during an outbreak of influenza B/Panama – Z Zakay-Rones, N Varsano, M Zlotnik, O Manor, L Regev, M Schlesinger, M Mumcuoglu
  7. Sambucus nigra extracts inhibit infectious bronchitis virus at an early point during replication – Christie Chen, David M Zuckerman, Susanna Brantley, Michka Sharpe, Kevin Childress, Egbert Hoiczyk and Amanda R Pendleton – Source:
  8. Potential anti-influenza effective plants used in Turkish folk medicine: A review​ – Seyid Ahmet Sargin – Source:
  9. Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) supplementation effectively treats upper respiratory symptoms – A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled clinical trials – Jessie Hawkins, Colby Baker, Lindsey Cherry, Elizabeth Dunne – Source:

Fokhagyma (Allium Sativum)

B. melléklet

  1. Anti-hyperlipidemia of garlic by reducing the level of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein A meta-analysis – Yue-E Sun PhD, Weidong Wang PhD, Jie Qin MS – Source:
  2. Antiviral potential of garlic (Allium sativum) and its organosulfur compounds: A systematic update of pre-clinical and clinical data – Razina Rouf, Shaikh Jamal Uddin, Dipto Kumer Sarker, Muhammad Torequl Islam, Eunus S. Ali, Jamil A. Shilpi, Lutfun Nahar, Evelin Tiralongo, and Satyajit D. Sarkerf – Source:
  3. Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Activities of Garlic (Allium sativum L.): A Review – Gaber El-Saber Batiha, Amany Magdy Beshbishy, Lamiaa G. Wasef, Yaser H. A. Elewa, Ahmed A. Al-Sagan, Mohamed E. Abd El-Hack, Ayman E. Taha, Yasmina M. Abd-Elhakim and Hari Prasad Devkota – Source:
  4. Assessment report on Allium sativum L., bulbus – Jacqueline Viguet Poupelloz, Lotfi Boudali, Denis Boucaud-Maitre, Elsa Grangier, Ioanna Chinou – Source:
  5. Efficacy of Garlic and Onion against virus – Neha Sharma – Source:
  6. Garlic (Allium sativum L.): a potential unique therapeutic food rich in organosulfur and flavonoid compounds to fight with COVID-19 – Sucheta Khubber, Reza Hashemifesharaki, Mehrdad Mohammadi, Seyed Mohammad, Taghi Gharibzahedi – Source:
  7. Garlic for hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials – X J Xiong, P Q Wang, S J Li, X K Li, Y Q Zhang, J Wang – Source:
  8. Garlic intake and the risk of colorectal cancer – A meta-analysis– Xi Zhou PhDa, Haihua Qian PhDb, Dan Zhang PhDb, Li Zeng PhDa – Source:
  9. Garlic Lowers Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Individuals, Regulates Serum Cholesterol, and Stimulates Immunity: An Updated Meta-analysis and Review – Karin Ried – Source:
  10. Garlic consumption and colorectal cancer risk in man: a systematic review and meta-analysis– Manuela Chiavarini, Liliana Minelli, Roberto Fabiani – Source:
  11. Identification of potential inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease and spike receptor from 10 important spices through structure-based virtual screening and molecular dynamic study – Debanjan Sen, Pradip Debnath, Bimal Debnath, Samhita Bhaumik, and Sudhan Debnath – Source:
  12. The effects of allium sativum on immunity within the scope of COVID-19 infection – Mustafa Metin Donmaa, Orkide Donmab
  13. The association of garlic with Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis – Ziyu Li, Xiangji Ying, Fei Shan, Jiafu Ji
  14. Safe and Efficacious Anti-Cytomegalovirus Agents with Therapeutic Activity in vitro – Khalid A. El-Dougdoug, Ahmed R. Sofy, Adel A. Mousa, Mahmoud R. Sofy, Ahmed A. Hmed, Ahmed A. Abbas – Source:
  15. Review: antimicrobial properties of allicin used alone or in combination with other medications – Sulin Choo, Voon Kin Chin, Eng Hwa Wong, Priya Madhavan, Sun Tee Tay, Phelim Voon Chen Yong & Pei Pei Chong – Source:
  16. Preventing the common cold with a garlic supplement: a double-blind, placebo-controlled survey – P Josling – Source:
  17. Plants of the genus Allium as antibacterial agents: From tradition to pharmacy – J Sharifi‐Rad, D Mnayer, G Tabanelli, Z Z Stojanović‐Radić, M Sharifi‐Rad, Z Yousaf, L Vallone, W N Setzer, M Iriti – Source:
  18. Natural products as home-based prophylactic and symptom management agents in the setting of COVID-19 – Sai Manohar Thota – Venkatesh Balan – Venketesh Sivaramakrishnan – Source:
  19. Allicin as add-on therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis– Xiao-Bei Si, Xu-Min Zhang, Shuai Wang, Yu Lan, Shuo Zhang, Lin-Yu Huo – Source:
  20. Cholesterol-Lowering Effect of Allicin on Hypercholesterolemic ICR Mice – Yin Lu, Zhuojin He, Xiuying Shen, Xiaolu Xu, Jie Fan, Shaohua Wu and Deyong Zhang – Source:
  21. COVID-19: Is There Evidence for the Use of Herbal Medicines as Adjuvant Symptomatic Therapy? – Dâmaris Silveira,*† Jose Maria Prieto-Garcia,*† Fabio Boylan, Omar Estrada, Yris Maria Fonseca-Bazzo, Claudia Masrouah Jamal, Pérola Oliveira Magalhães, Edson
    Oliveira Pereira, Michal Tomczyk, and Michael Heinrich*† – Source:

Keserű andrográfisz (Andrographis paniculata)

C. melléklet

  1. Andrographis paniculata Extract (HMPL-004) for Active Ulcerative Colitis – William J Sandborn, Stephan R Targan, Vera S Byers, Dean A Rutty, Hua Mu, Xun Zhang, Tom Tang – Source:
  2. Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees: A Review of Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacology – Md. Sanower Hossain, Zannat Urbi, Abubakar Sule, and K. M. Hafizur Rahman – Source:
  3. Andrographolide and its fluorescent derivative inhibit the main proteases of 2019-nCoV and SARS-CoV through covalent linkage – Tzu-Hau Shi, Yi-Long Huang, Chiao-Che Chen, Wen-Chieh Pi, Yu-Ling Hsu, Lee-Chiang Lo, Wei-Yi Chen, Shu-Ling Fu, Chao-Hsiung Lina – Source:
  4. Andrographolide as a potent and promising antiviral agent – Reshi Latif, Chi-Yong Wang – Source:
  5. Andrographolide as a potential inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 main protease: an in silico approach – Sukanth Kumar Enmozhia, Kavitha Rajaa, Irudhayasamy Sebastineb and Jerrine Josephc – Source:
  6. Broad-spectrum antiviral properties of andrographolide – Swati Gupta, K P Mishra, Lilly Ganju – Source:
  7. Fah Talai Jone proven effective in improving condition of COVID-19 patients – DTAMSource:
  8. Harnessing the medicinal properties of Andrographis paniculata for diseases and beyond: a review of its phytochemistry and pharmacology – Agbonlahor Okhuarobo, Joyce Ehizogie Falodun, Osayemwenre Erharuyi, Vincent Imieje, Abiodun Falodun and Peter Langer – Source:
  9. Randomised clinical trial: herbal extract HMPL-004 in active ulcerative colitis – a double-blind comparison with sustained release mesalazine – T Tang, S R Targan, Z-S Li, C Xu, V S Byers, W J Sandborn – Source:
  10. COVID-19: Is There Evidence for the Use of Herbal Medicines as Adjuvant Symptomatic Therapy? – Dâmaris Silveira,*† Jose Maria Prieto-Garcia,*† Fabio Boylan, Omar Estrada, Yris Maria Fonseca-Bazzo, Claudia Masrouah Jamal, Pérola Oliveira Magalhães, Edson Oliveira Pereira, Michal Tomczyk, and Michael Heinrich*† – Source:
  11. Thailand Clears Use of Herbal Medicine for Covid-19 Treatment – Suttinee Yuvejwattana – Source:
  12. A randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical evaluation of extract of Andrographis paniculata (KalmCold™) in patients with uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infection – R.C. Saxena, R. Singh, P. Kumar, S.C. Yadav, M.P.S. Negi, V.S. Saxena, A.J. Joshua, V. Vijayabalaji, K.S. Goudar, K. Venkateshwarlu, A. Amit – Source:
  13. A randomized, controlled study of Kan Jang versus amantadine in the treatment of influenza in Volgograd – L L Kulichenko 1, L V Kireyeva, E N Malyshkina, G Wikman – Source:
  14. Natural products as home-based prophylactic and symptom management agents in the setting of COVID-19 – Sai Manohar Thota – Venkatesh Balan – Venketesh Sivaramakrishnan – Source:
  15. Activity of phytochemical constituents of Curcuma longa (turmeric) and Andrographis paniculata against coronavirus (COVID-19): an in silico approach – Kalirajan Rajagopal, Potlapati Varakumar, Aparma Baliwada, Gowramma Byran – Source:
  16. Review on liver inflammation and antiinflammatory activity of Andrographis paniculata for hepatoprotection – Lee Suan Chua – Source:
  17. Andrographis paniculata (Chuān Xīn Lián) for symptomatic relief of acute respiratory tract infections in adults and children: A systematic review and meta-analysis – Xiao-Yang Hu, Ruo-Han Wu, Martin Logue, Clara Blondel, Lily Yuen Wan Lai, Beth Stuart, Andrew Flower, Yu-Tong Fei, Michael Moore, Jonathan Shepherd, Jian-Ping Liu, and George Lewith – Source:

Orvosi pemetefű (Marrubium vulgare)

D. melléklet

  1. An Insight into a Blockbuster Phytomedicine; Marrubium vulgare L. Herb. More of a Myth than a Reality? – Javier Rodríguez Villanueva, Jorge Martín Esteban – Source:
  2. Phytochemical screening and antiviral activity of Marrubium vulgare – Amal Gaber Salman Fayyad, Nazlina Ibrahim and Wan Ahmad Yaakob – Source:
  3. Marrubium vulgare L.: A Phytochemical and Pharmacological Overview – Milica Aćimović, Katarina Jeremić, Nebojša Salaj, Neda Gavarić, Biljana Kiprovski, Vladimir Sikora, Tijana Zeremski – Source:
  4. Chemical Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Phases Obtained from Extracts of Artemisia herba alba, Marrubium vulgare and Pinus pinaster – Zouhir Djerrou – Source:
  5. Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant and in vivo anti-inflammatory potentialof white Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) Leaves – N. Ghedadba, Leila Hambaba, Haoues Bousselsela, M. Hachemi – Source:
  6. A methanolic extract of Marrubium vulgare L. suppresses inflammatory responses in isoproterenol induced myocardial infarction in rat – M. Rameshrad, K. Yousefi, F. Fathiazad, H. Soraya, S. Hamedeyazdan, A. Khorrami, N. Maleki-Dizaji, A. Garjani – Source:

Kurkuma és feketebors (Curcuma longa and Piper nigrum)

E. melléklet

  1. Curcuma longa L. ameliorates asthma control in children and adolescents: A randomized, double-blind, controlled trial – Gabriel Manarina, Daniela Andersona, Jorgete Maria e Silvaa, Juliana da Silva Coppedeb, Persio Roxo-Juniora, Ana Maria Soares Pereirab, Fabio Carmona – Source:
  2. Immunomodulatory activity of curcumin – S Antony, R Kuttan, G Kuttan – Source:
  3. Botanical drugs and supplements affecting the immune response in the time of COVID‐19: Implications for research and clinical practice – Thomas Brendler, Ahmed Al‐Harrasi, Rudolf Bauer, Stefan Gafner, Mary L. Hardy, Michael Heinrich, Hossein Hosseinzadeh, Angelo A. Izzo, Martin Michaelis, Marjan Nassiri‐Asl, Alexander Panossian, Solomon P. Wasser, Elizabeth M. Williamson – Source:
  4. Curcuma longa L. ameliorates asthma control in children and adolescents: A randomized, double-blind, controlled trial – Gabriel Manarina, Daniela Andersona, Jorgete Maria e Silvaa, Juliana da Silva Coppedeb, Persio Roxo-Juniora, Ana Maria Soares Pereirab, Fabio Carmona – Source:
  5. Curcumin, a traditional spice component, can hold the promise against COVID 19? – Vivek Kumar Sonia, Arundhati Mehta, Yashwant Kumar Ratre, Atul Kumar Tiwari, Ajay Amit, Rajat Pratap Singh, Subash Chandra Sonkar, Navaneet Chaturvedi, Dhananjay Shukla, Naveen Kumar Vishvakarma – Source:
  6. Curcumin Attenuates Allergen-Induced Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Sensitized Guinea Pigs – Arjun RAM, Moumita DAS, Balaram GHOSH – Source:
  7. Curcumin attenuates allergic airway inflammation and hyper-responsiveness in mice through NF-kB inhibition – Se-Woong Oha, Joo-Young Chaa, Ji-Eun Junga, Beom-Chol Changa, Hyo-Jung Kwonb, Bo-Ram Leeb, Dae-Yong Kimb – Source:
  8. Curcumin (a constituent of turmeric): New treatment option against COVID-19 – Fatemeh Babaei, Marjan Nassiri-As, Hossein Hosseinzadeh – Source:
  9. Effects of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Extract in streptozocin-induced diabetic model – Rana Essa, Ahmed M El Sadek, Marine E Baset, Mohamed A Rawash, Diana G Sami, Marwa T Badawy, Maha E Mansour, Hamdino Attia, Mona K Saadeldin, Ahmed Abdellatif – Source:
  10. Efficacy and safety of turmeric and curcumin in lowering blood lipid levels in patients with cardiovascular risk factors: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials – Si Qin, Lifan Huang, Jiaojiao Gong, Shasha Shen, Juan Huang, Hong Ren, and Huaidong Hu – Source:
  11. Efficacy of Curcumin as Adjuvant Therapy to Induce or Maintain Remission in Ulcerative Colitis Patients: an Evidence-based Clinical Review – Marcellus Simadibrata, Christopher Christian Halimkesuma, Benedicta Mutiara Suwita – Source:
  12. Efficacy of Turmeric Extracts and Curcumin for Alleviating the Symptoms of Joint Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials – James W. Daily, Mini Yang, and Sunmin Park – Source:
  13. IMMUNOMODULATORY ACTIVITY OF CURCUMIN – S. Antony, R. Kuttan and G. Kuttan, Amala Cancer Research Centre, Amala Nagar, Thrissur – Source:
  14. Influence of piperine on the pharmacokinetics of curcumin in animals and human volunteers – G Shoba, D Joy, T Joseph, M Majeed, R Rajendran, P S Srinivas – Source:
  15. Vasodilating, spasmolytic, inotropic and chronotropic activities of curcuminoids from Curcuma longa in isolated organ preparations of guinea pigs – Q U A Jamil, S M Iqbal, W Jaeger, C Studenik – Source:
  16. The clinical effect of Nano micelles containing curcumin as a therapeutic supplement in patients with COVID-19 and the immune responses balance changes following treatment: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial – Mehdi Hassaniazad, Behnaz Rahnama Inchehsablagh, Hossein Kamali, Abdolali Tousi, Ebrahim Eftekhar, Mahmoud Reza Jaafari, Mohammad Fathalipour, Sara Nikoofal-Sahlabadi, Hamed Gouklani, Hesam Alizade1 and Amin Reza Nikpoor – Source:
  17. Potential effects of curcumin in the treatment of COVID-19 infection – Fatemeh Zahedipour†, Seyede Atefe Hosseini†, Thozhukat Sathyapalan, Muhammed Majeed, Tannaz Jamialahmadi, Khalid Al-Rasadi, Maciej Banach, Amirhossein Sahebkar – Source:
  18. Postprandial Responses of Serum Bile Acids in Healthy Humans after Ingestion of Turmeric before Medium/High-Fat Breakfasts-fat_breakfasts – Tannaz Ghaffarzadegan, Yoghatama Cindya Zanzer Elin Östman Frida Hållenius, Sofia Essén, Margareta Sandahl, Margareta Nyman – Source:
  19. Oral bioavailability of curcumin: problems and advancements – Weidong Liu, Yingjie Zhai, Xueyuan Heng, Feng Yuan Che, Wenjun Chen, Dezhong Sun, Guangxi Zhai – Source:
  20. Activity of phytochemical constituents of Curcuma longa (turmeric) and Andrographis paniculata against coronavirus (COVID-19): an in silico approach – Kalirajan Rajagopal, Potlapati Varakumar, Aparma Baliwada, Gowramma Byran – Source:
  21. Turmeric(Curcumalonga) attenuates food allergy symptoms by regulating type1/type2 helper Tcells (Th1/Th2) balanceinamouse model of food allergy – Hee SoonShin, Hye-JeongSee, SunYoungJung, DaeWoonChoi, Da-AeKwona, Min-Jung Bae, Ki-SeungSung, Dong-HwaShon – Source:
szárított szarvasmarha epe


F. melléklet

  1. Dr. Tihanyi István (orvos, iridológus, gyermekgyógyász, természetgyógyász): EpesavakForrás: – 2014
  2. Dr. Bertók Lóránd professzor: Kutatói élete (PDF)Forrás: ismeretlen
  3. Dr. Bertók Lóránd professzor: Tudományos publikációiForrás: ismeretlen
  4. Dr. Bertók Lóránd professzor: Endotoxin és biológiai hatásaiForrás: Studio Physiologia 3, Scientia Kiadó, Budapest – 2000
  5. Dr. Bertók Lóránd professzor az orvostudomány (MTA) doktora, címzetes egyetemi tanár: Az Epesavak szerepe a szervezet fiziko-kémiai védelmébenForrás: Magyar Tudomány, 2008/07 844. oldal – 200
  6. Balog Károly: Van-e gyógyszer a szepszis ellen?Forrás: ismeretlen
  7. Dr. Tóth Gábor: Allergia- és Candida-kalauzForrás: Tudomány és életmód sorozat – 2014
  8. Dr. Bertók Lóránd professzor: Bakteriális endotoxinok és természetes ellenálló képességForrás: Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 1992/11 – 1992
  9. Dr. Jeffrey McCombs – A kiropraktika doktora: 10 mendemonda a Candidával kapcsolatbanForrás: ismeretlen
  10. Diavitás Magazin: Közvetlen összefüggést találtak egy baktérium toxin és a kolorektális daganatok között (PDF)Forrás: – 2020
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  12. Az epesav okozta megbetegedések terápiájának új irányai (PDF)Forrás:
  13. Endotoxin (PDF)Forrás:
  14. Epesavvesztés (PDF) – Természetgyógyász Magazin – Forrás:
  15. Dr. Klára Gyurcsovics, Dr. Lóránd Bertók professor: Pathophysiology of psoriasis: coping endotoxins with bile acid therapySource: Pathophysiology 10 (2003) 57-61 – 2003
  16. Dr. Bertók Lóránd professor: Bile acids in phisico-chemical host defenceSource: Pathophyisology 11 (2004) 139-145 – 2004
  17. Dr. Bertók Lóránd professor: Conference on immunological and pathological effects of bacterial endotoxinsSource: ANNALES IMMUNOLOGIAE HUNGARICAE – 1969
  18. GY. SZŐCS, TERÉZ CSORDÁS and L. BERTÓK: Effect of Bacterial Endotoxin on Placentation of RatsSource: Acta Chirurgica Hungarica, 31 (2), pp. 169—174 (1990) – 1990
  19. C. SIMON, L. BERTÓK, M. WINTER und E. MORAY A: The pathophysiology of LPS endotoxinsSource: Akadémai Kiadó Budapest – 1965
  20. H. SELYE, B. TUCHWEBER, AND L. BERTÓK: Effect of Lead Acetate on the Susceptibility of Rats to Bacterial EndotoxinsSource: Journal of Bacteriology Vol. 91, No. 2 Printed in U.S.A. – 1966
  21. Dr. Bertók Lóránd professor: The effect of sulfhydryl comfound on the lead acetate induced endotoxin hypersensitivity of ratsSource: National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, Budapest, Hungary – 1968
  22. I. BERCZI, T. BEREZNAY: Stybility of the toxic and serological properties of k. coli endotoxin in the intestinal tract of ratsSource: ANNALES IMMUNOLOGIAE HUNGARICAE – 1968
  23. I. BERCZI, L. BERTÓK, K. BAINTNER and B. VERESS: Experiments to induce endotoxintolerance and toxic effects by peroraixy administered e. coli endotoxin in ratsSource: Annales Immologiae Hungaricae – 1968
  24. GY. SZŐCS, TERÉZ CSORDÁS and L. BERTÓK: Influence of experimentally induced endotoxemias on the thyroid function of ratsSource: Acta Physiologica Hungarica, Volume 76 (2), pp. 137—141 (1990) – 1990
  25. I. J. Elenkov, K. Kovács, J. Kiss, L. Bertók and E. S. Vizi: Lipopolysaccharide is able to bypass corticotrophin-releasing factor in affecting plasma ACTH and corticosterone levels: evidence from rats with lesions of the paraventricular nucleusSource: Journal of Endocrinology (1992) 133,231-236 – 1992
  26. Lorand Bertok (Doctor of Medicine (MTA), Honorary Professor: Role of endotoxins and bile acids in the pathogenesis of septic circulatory shockSource: National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, Budapest – 1997
  27. Lorand Bertok (Doctor of Medicine (MTA), Honorary Professor: Endotoxins and endocrine systemSource: Domestic animal endocrinology Vol. 15(5):305-303, 1998 – 1998
  28. Lorand Bertok (Doctor of Medicine (MTA), Honorary Professor: The Role of Bile Acids in Natural Resistance: Physico-Chemical Host DefenceSource: Natural Immunity – 2005
  29. Lorand Bertok (Doctor of Medicine (MTA), Honorary Professor: New Prospect for the Enhancement of Natural ImmunitySource: Natural Immunity – 2005
  30. G. A. D. HASLEWOOD – Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London, S.E.l., England: Bile salt evolutionSource: Journal of Lipid Research, Volume 8, 1967 – 1967
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  32. Bile salts of vertebrates: structural variation and possible evolutionary significanceSource: Journal of Lipid Research Volume 51, 2010 – 2010
  33. Erica J. Reschly,Ni Ai, Sean Ekins, William J. Welsh, Lee R. Hagey,Alan F. Hofmann, and Matthew D. Krasowski: Evolution of the bile salt nuclear receptor FXR in vertebratesSource: Journal of Lipid Research Volume 49, 2008 – 2008
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  35. Schupp AK, Trilling M, Rattay S, Le-Trilling VTK, Haselow K, Stindt J, Zimmermann A, Häussinger D, Hengel H, Graf D.: Bile acids act as soluble host restriction factors limiting cytomegalovirus replication in hepatoytesSource: – 2016
  36. Stefano Fiorucci, Michele Biagioli, Angela Zampella, and Eleonora Distrutti: Bile Acids Activated Receptors Regulate Innate ImmunitySource: – 2018
  37. Huan Yan, Bo Peng, Yang Liu, Guangwei Xu, Wenhui He, Bijie Ren, Zhiyi Jing, Jianhua Sui, and Wenhui Li: Viral Entry of Hepatitis B and D Viruses and Bile Salts Transportation Share Common Molecular Determinants on Sodium Taurocholate Cotransporting PolypeptideSource: – 2014
  38. Yunjeong Kim and Kyeong-Ok Chang: Inhibitory Effects of Bile Acids and Synthetic Farnesoid X Receptor Agonists on Rotavirus ReplicationSource: – 2011
  39. Omata M, Yoshida H, Toyota J, Tomita E, Nishiguchi S, Hayashi N, Iino S, Makino I, Okita K, Toda G, Tanikawa K, Kumada H; Japanese C-Viral Hepatitis Network.”: A large-scale, multicentre, double-blind trial of ursodeoxycholic acid in patients with chronic hepatitis CSource: – 2007
  40. Mei Lan Chen, Kiyoshi Takeda and Mark S. Sundrud: Emerging roles of bile acids in mucosal immunity and inflammationSource: Mucosal Immunology (2019) 12:851–861;″ – 2019
  41. Harward Medical School: Bile acids may help regulate gut immunity and inflammationSource: – 2020
  42. Sandor Sipka (University of Debrecen), Geza Bruckner (University of Kentucky): The Immunomodulatory Role of Bile AcidsSource: – 2014
  43. Jing Wang, Richard A. Flavell, Hua-Bing Li: Antiviral immunity: a link to bile acidsSource:
  44. Peter Hegyi, Jozsef Maléth, Julian R. Walters, Alan F. Hofmann, and Stephen J. Keely: GUTS AND GALL: Bile acids in regulation of intestinal epithelial function in health and diseaseSource:
  45. Stefano Fiorucci1, Michele Biagioli, Angela Zampella, Eleonora Distrutti: Bile Acids Activated Receptors Regulate innate immunitySource:
  46. Antifungal utility of bile acids – Brian A. Marples, Reginald J. Stretton – Source:
  47. Bile Acid Metabolism and Signaling – John Y. L. Chiang – Source:
  48. Fountain of youth in bile? Longevity molecule identified – Science DailySource:
  49. Hijacking SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 Receptor Interaction by Natural and Semi-synthetic Steroidal Agents Acting on Functional Pockets on the Receptor Binding Domain – Adriana Carino, Federica Moraca, Bianca Fiorillo, Silvia Marchianò, Valentina Sepe, Michele Biagioli, Claudia Finamore, Silvia Bozza, Daniela Francisci, Eleonora Distrutti, Bruno Catalanotti, Angela Zampella and Stefano Fiorucci – Source:
  50. Ecology of Candida albicans Gut Colonization: Inhibition of Candida Adhesion, Colonization, and Dissemination from the Gastrointestinal Tract by Bacterial Antagonism – MICHAEL J. KENNEDY AND PAUL A. VOLZ – Source:
  51. Inhibitory Effects of Bile Acids and Synthetic Farnesoid X Receptor Agonists on Rotavirus Replication – Yunjeong Kim, Kyeong-Ok Chang – Source: Journal of Virology. 2011 Dec; 85(23): 12570–12577.:
  52. Viral Entry of Hepatitis B and D Viruses and Bile Salts Transportation Share Common Molecular Determinants on Sodium Taurocholate Cotransporting Polypeptide – Huan Yan, Bo Peng, Yang Liu, Guangwei Xu, Wenhui He, Bijie Ren, Zhiyi Jing, Jianhua Sui, Wenhui Licorresponding – Source: Journal of Virology 2014 Mar; 88(6): 3273–3284. –
  53. A large-scale, multicentre, double-blind trial of ursodeoxycholic acid in patients with chronic hepatitis C. – Omata M, Yoshida H, Toyota J, Tomita E, Nishiguchi S, Hayashi N, Iino S, Makino I, Okita K, Toda G, Tanikawa K, Kumada H – Source: Gut. 2007 Dec;56(12):1747-53. Epub 2007 Jun 15. –
  54. Viral Capsids and Envelopes: Structure and Function – William Lucas, David M Knipe – Source:
  55. Postprandial Responses of Serum Bile Acids in Healthy Humans after Ingestion of Turmeric before Medium/High-Fat Breakfasts-fat_breakfasts – Tannaz Ghaffarzadegan, Yoghatama Cindya Zanzer Elin Östman Frida Hållenius, Sofia Essén, Margareta Sandahl, Margareta Nyman – Source:
  56. Pathological Aspects of COVID-19 as a Conformational Disease and the Use of Pharmacological Chaperones as a Potential Therapeutic Strategy – Tomohiko Aoe – Source:
  57. Nomenclature and Significance of Innate/Natural Immune Mechanisms and of Species Specific Resistance – Lóránd Bertók and István Berczi – Source:
  58. Natural small molecules as inhibitors of coronavirus lipid-dependent attachment to host cells: a possible strategy for reducing SARS-COV-2 infectivity? – Baglivo M, Baronio M, Natalini G, Beccari T, Chiurazzi P, Fulcheri E, Petralia PP, Michelini S, Fiorentini G, Miggiano GA, Morresi A, Tonini G, Bertelli M – Source: Acta Biomed. 2020 Mar 19;91(1):161-164. –
  59. Epstein-Barr virus – Source:
  60. Herpes virus – Source:
    National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases – Source:
  61. Developing a vaccine for the Epstein–Barr Virus could prevent up to 200,000 cancers globally say expertsSource:
  62. Global and regional incidence, mortality and disability-adjusted life-years for Epstein-Barr virus-attributable malignancies, 1990–2017 – Gulfaraz Khan, Christina Fitzmaurice, Mohsen Naghavi, and Luai A Ahmed – Source:
  63. Progress and Problems in Understanding and Managing Primary Epstein-Barr Virus Infections – Oludare A. Odumade, Kristin A. Hogquist and Henry H. Balfour, Jr. – Source:
  64. Viruses, Wikipedia: – Source:
  65. Virus, Wikipedia: – Source:
  66. Reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus from latency – Wolfgang Amon, Paul J Farrell – Source:
  67. Is EBV Persistence In Vivo a Model for B Cell Homeostasis? – Gulfaraz Khan, Emily M. Miyashita, Bin Yang, Gregory J. Babcock, David A. Thorley-Lawson – Source:
  68. Can natural detergent properties of bile acids be used beneficially in tackling coronavirus disease-19? – Yashwant Kumar, Reena Yadav, Alka Bhatia – Source:
  69. Az epesavak vírusellenes és immuntámogató hatásaSource:
  70. Taurochenodeoxycholic acid ameliorates and ursodeoxycholic acid exacerbates small intestinal inflammation – A Uchida, T Yamada, T Hayakawa, M Hoshino – Source:
  71. Taurochenodeoxycholic acid ameliorates and ursodeoxycholic acid exacerbates small intestinal inflammation – Ling Luo, Weili Han, Jinyan Du, Xia Yang, Mubing Duan, Chenggang Xu, Zhenling Zeng, Weisan Chen and Jianxin Chen – Source:
  72. Versatile Bile Acids, Fat-dissolving bile acids may help regulate gut immunity and inflammation – Ekaterina Pesheva – Source:
  73. International studies about the health indication fields of bile acids: PubMed, The Lancet, BMJ, NEJM

A szervezet védekezőképességéhez kapcsolódó fontos szakirodalom

G. melléklet

  1. COVID-19: Gastrointestinal Manifestations and Potential Fecal–Oral Transmission – Jinyang Gu, Bing Han, Jian Wang – Source:
  2. COVID-19 Infects GI Tract, a Possible Route of Viral Transmission – David Wild – Source:
  3. Can melatonin reduce the severity of COVID-19 pandemic? – Alex Shneider, Aleksandr Kudriavtsev & Anna Vakhrusheva – Source:
  4. Cytokine StormSource:
  5. Assessment report on Sambucus nigra L., fructusSource:
  6. Experts send Vitamin D and Covid-19 to open letter to world’s government – Nikki Hancocks – Source:
  7. Extract of medicinal plant Artemisia annua interferes with replication of SARSCoV2 in vitro – Sally Robertson B.Sc. – Source:
  8. Glycyrrhizin in licorice root neutralizes SARSCoV2 in vitro by inhibiting the main protease Mpro– Susha Cheriyedath M.Sc. – Source:
  9. Gram-Negative Sepsis: a Dilemma of Modern Medicine – ROGER C. BONE – Source:
  10. Gram-negative versus Gram-positive bacteremia: what is more alarmin(g)? – Irene Alexandraki and Carlos Palacio – Source:
  11. Into the Eye of the Cytokine Storm – Jennifer R. Tisoncik, Marcus J. Korth, Cameron P. Simmons, Jeremy Farrar, Thomas R. Martin, Michael G. Katzea – Source:
  12. Why Some COVID-19 Patients Crash: The Body’s Immune System Might Be To Blame? – Geoff Brumfiel – Source:
  13. Selenium and RNA Virus Interactions: Potential Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19) – Laurent Hiffler and Benjamin Rakotoambinina – Source:
  14. Reduction and Functional Exhaustion of T Cells in Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 COVID-19 – Bo Diao, Chenhui Wang, Yingjun Tan, Xiewan Chen, Ying Liu, Lifen Ning, Li Chen, Min Li, Yueping Liu, Gang Wang, Zilin Yuan, Zeqing Feng, Yi Zhang, Yuzhang Wu and Yongwen Chen† – Source:
  15. Epstein-barr | Mononucleosis | About Virus | MonoSource:
  16. Az endotoxin élettani hatásai – Opulus, Portal for the Pharmaceutical Industry – Source:
  17. Gram negative sepsis and shock – S.H. Landesman, S.L. Gorbach – Source:
  18. Multirezisztens kórokozók gyakoriságának változása és ennek vonatkozásai az intenzív osztályon – Szűcs Orsolya; Kristóf Katalin; Darvas Katalin; Csomós Ákos – Source:
  19. Bacteriophages Could Be a Potential Game Changer in the Trajectory of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Marcin W. Wojewodzic – Source:
  20. Synthesis, structure–activity relationships and biological evaluation of dehydroandrographolide and andrographolide derivatives as novel anti-hepatitis B virus agents – Hao Chenab Yun-BaoMa, Xiao-Yan Huanga, Chang-An Geng, Yong Zhao, Li-Jun Wang, Rui-Hua Guoa, Wen-Juan Liangab, Xue-Mei Zhanga, Ji-Jun Chena – Source:
  21. In silico analysis of phytochemicals as potential inhibitors of proteases involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection
    Palaniyandi Umadevi, Subramanian Manivannan, Abdulkabeer Muhammed Fayad, Sreekumar Shelvy – Source:
  22. PelC is a Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane lipoprotein of the OMA family of proteins involved in exopolysaccharide transport – Perrine Vasseura, Chantal Soscia, Romé Voulhoux, Alain Fillouxa – Source:
  23. Cloning and analysis of the gene for the major outer membrane lipoprotein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa – P. Cornelis, A. Bouia, A. Belarbi, A. Guyonvarch, B. Kammerer, V. Hannaert, J. C. Hubert – Source:
  24. EGYVIR: An immunomodulatory herbal extract with potent antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2
    Wael H Roshdy, Helmy A Rashed, Ahmed Kandeil, Ahmed Mostafa, Yassmin Moatasim, Omnia Kutkat, Noura M Abo Shama, Mokhtar R Gomaa, Ibrahim H El-Sayed, Nancy M El Guindy, Amal Naguib, Ghazi Kayali, Mohamed A Ali – Source:
  25. Study Finds Cannabis Compounds Prevent Infection By Covid-19 Virus – A.J. Herrington – Source:
  26. Az Egészségügyi Világtanács (WCH) közreadta a tüskefehérjék semlegesítési protokollját – Dr. Joseph Mercola – Source: