The role of digestion and bile function in proper immune function, herpes and virus resistance - video

Stomach acid in the stomach helps to neutralise and break down many bacteria, viruses, fungi and micro-organisms, and bile and bile acids in the lower intestines also have a disinfectant effect, and if there is not enough bile produced, these functions will not work properly.
If the digestive system is malfunctioning, this whole lymphatic system can become overloaded and endotoxins (toxins produced by the breakdown of bacteria) are released into the body, which would normally be neutralised by the bile. These processes trigger the production of cytokines, inflammatory factors, which can be the starting point for many digestive and skin diseases.
Source from: D1 TV - Vitality 2020 (subtitled, about 6 minutes, a conversation between Dr. Erika Balaicza, an internist, and László Béky, a naturopath)
This not only impairs the activity of the immune system and can even lead to chronic inflammatory processes in the gut, but also contributes to arthritis, skin disorders and allergic processes. Therefore, it is very important that when someone has a chronic inflammatory disease or a weakened immune system, skin problems, arthritis, recurrent infections, it is essential to support their digestive system and reduce their bile deficiency.
Bile acids are suitable for this because they help digestion and fat breakdown on the one hand, and they also help the breakdown of endotoxins on the other. In addition, they are involved in the breakdown of various bacteria and fat-coated macro viruses (e.g. influenza, herpes, yellow fever).
So, if you have digestive and/or biliary problems and want a little more protection against viruses, you may want to use bile acids as a preventative to counteract your bile deficiency, in addition to vitamins and immune-boosting herbs.
Bile acids against herpes!
What is herpes?
How does herpes develop?
For example, if you eat too much food during a hearty meal, small herpes blisters can appear on your lips within a few days. Normally, bile acid destroys the herpes virus in the digestive tract, but our gall bladder and stomach are not prepared for these stressful meals, so the herpes virus can multiply.
What can we do against herpes?
In addition to traditional creams, you should also take capsules containing bile acid, because bile acids help the immune system to destroy lipid/fat-coated herpes viruses through their fat-busting action.
Source: iridologist, paediatrician, naturopath Dr. István Tihanyi (Echo TV Vitality 2011)
What does the science say?
Dr. Lóránd Bertók, an international authority on bile acid research, PhD of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, wrote the following in his paper The role of bile acids in the physico-chemical protection of the body (Hungarian Science, 2008/07):
"It appears likely that temporary and partial bile acid deficiency may be important, for example in the development of herpes infections after major dietary overloads (e.g., fatty foods at weddings, christenings, etc.)."
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Gallmet bile acid capsules contain similar amounts of bile acids, but GALLMET-Mix also contains herbal extracts that support digestion, while GALLMET-Extra contains digestive enzymes and herbal extracts that also support digestion.
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Bile and digestion
The crucial role of gallbladder and bile acids in digestion

After gallbladder surgery
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Intestinal diseases
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The link between stress-induced digestive problems and bile acids.

Immune system support
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For infections
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Role of bile acids
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