The expert answers - GALLMET Extra, Natural & Mix
Can GALLMET be taken for lazy gallbladder?
Üdvözletem! Valaki tudna nekem segíteni? Lusta epehólyag problémám van, erre tanácsolják-e a termék szedését? Elég sok problémám van az utóbbi időben, pl. hasmenés, puffadás, hányinger,…
Can I take GALLMET bile acid capsules mixed with water?
Tisztelt Gallmed Kft! Úgy is lehet szedni, ha a GALLMET epesav kapszula tartalmát elkavarom vizben és megiszom? Kapszulát nem tudom szedni. Köszönöm. B.N. Kedves N.!…
After fresh gallbladder surgery, when can I start taking GALLMET bile acid capsules?
Dear GALLMED Kft! When can I start taking GALLMET bile acid capsules after gallbladder surgery? Approximately how many weeks after? Thank you in advance for your answer! Á.B.O. Dear O.! Thank you,...
I was hospitalised 3 days ago, they want to operate my gall bladder
Dear Recipient! I would like to ask for your advice! Here is what it is about! I was hospitalized 3 days ago for a bile problem, I am fine now, but this morning I was told that...
Customer question: constipation, reflux, vaginal mycosis
Welcome! I used to take GALLMET bile acid capsules, but only for 10 days, 3×1 a day. Unfortunately, I did not notice any change, although I have problems with my bile, bile function...
Asking for advice on biliary polyps
Dear Gallmed Kft! I would like some advice on whether a 12 mm diameter bilepole can be dissolved with one of your products, and if so, which one.
Taking GALLMET for prevention
Dear Gallmed Kft! I would like to know if I can take GALLMET-Natural capsules for preventive purposes? I don't have a problem, but from the videos I've watched - on Youtube with László Béky - it seems to me that...
Customer question about taking GALLMET capsules
Dear Gallmed Kft! In short: after 4 months of continuous abdominal problems, after 1 week of taking Gallmet-Mix capsules, my complaints have decreased significantly and I am very grateful for that....
Frequent diarrhoea after gallbladder surgery? Our expert answers!
Dear Gallmet, I wonder if this capsule does not cause diarrhoea. I don't have a gallbladder, and it is my experience that certain foods trigger my gallbladder in such a way that...
Where can I buy GALLMET supplements?
ATTENTION: Pursuant to directive 2002/46/EC of the European parliament and of the council, it is prohibited to attribute a preventive or curative effect to a food supplement or to refer to such a property in the labelling, presentation and advertising of food supplements. In light of this, the distributor (GALLMED Kft. / GALLMED Ltd.) does not attribute a preventive or curative effect to the products. The use of the products enhances the body's self-healing process and is not a substitute for necessary medical treatment, so consult your doctor. If you are also taking medications, do not discontinue them without consulting your doctor, and certainly not immediately.
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GALLMET products are available in ALL Hungarian pharmacies and herbal shops or can be ordered!
Gallmet bile acid capsules contain similar amounts of bile acids, but GALLMET-Mix also contains herbal extracts that support digestion, while GALLMET-Extra contains digestive enzymes and herbal extracts that also support digestion.
20 000 Ft above the value of your shopping cart 1 390 Ft shipping discount, 30 000 Ft and over an additional 5% discount!
Purchase directly from the manufacturer
GALLMET-Mix * 90 capsules of bile acid and herbs - in English packaging
10 490 FtCapsule price: 117 FtGALLMET-Mix * 60 capsules of bile acid and herbs - in English packaging
7 990 FtCapsule price: 133 FtGALLMET-Mix * 30 capsules of bile acid and herbs - in English packaging
4 990 FtCapsule price: 166 Ft