The expert answers - GALLMET Extra, Natural & Mix
Breastfeeding mother asked our expert about bile
Dear Expert! I am 38 years old and breastfeeding a 2.5 month old baby. I developed gallstones in May during my pregnancy. My stones are 2-4 mm in size, soft. I am on a diet. About...
Customer question: can GALLMET be effective for gallstones up to 1 cm?
T. Address! I have a 1cm gallstone and lots of small ones. Does GALLMET work for me? A.E. Dear E.! Thank you for contacting us with your question. GALLMET is a bile acid...
Customer question: How should I take GALLMET bile acid capsules?
T.Ü. service! Please tell me how long it is recommended to take the product, continuously the same amount or with breaks, etc.? Thank you, P.A. Dear A! Thank you for contacting us with your question....
Customer question: fatty stools, diarrhoea
Tisztelt Gallmet forgalmazó! Szeretném megtudni, hogy az én betegségeimre melyik termékük a megfelelő? 2-es típusú diabétesz, magas vérnyomás, pajzsmirigy alul működés, szívritmus, csontritkulás, agyi anyagcsere.…
Customer question about heartburn and digestive problems
I was delighted to read the message that I was one of the winners. thank you very much. I would like to share my experience with the prize. I suffered a lot with heartburn, acid reflux...
Our expert answers: gallstone symptom relief and gallstone dissolution
Magyarországon lakó több epekő betegséggel érintett társam nevében szeretnék a GALLMET termékről kérdezni. Néhány betegnek a doktor Ursofalk (hatóanyag: ursodeoxycholic acid) nevű gyógyszert írt fel…
Customer question about fat digestion problem and expert answer
Az alábbi kérdéssel fordulok Önökhöz: A lányom székletében nem mérhető az epesav. Mérhetőnek kéne lennie, vagy éppen úgy jó, hogy a székletben nincsen benne? Viszont…
Expert answer: gallstone dissolution is possible!
Üdvözlöm Önöket! Lenne néhány kérdésem a GALLMET termékkel kapcsolatban. Szeptemberben derült ki, hogy van egy 7 mm-es kövem, ami sajnos nem koleszterin alapú, ugyanis kimutatta…
Customer question: how can bile spasm and gallstones be relieved?
EPEGÖRCS, EPEKŐ Tisztelt Gallmet! A segítségüket szeretném kérni. Évek óta epeproblémával küzdök, ami hol elmúlik, hol visszatér. Komoly, letaglózó görcsöm még soha nem volt, leginkább…
Where can I buy GALLMET supplements?
ATTENTION: Pursuant to directive 2002/46/EC of the European parliament and of the council, it is prohibited to attribute a preventive or curative effect to a food supplement or to refer to such a property in the labelling, presentation and advertising of food supplements. In light of this, the distributor (GALLMED Kft. / GALLMED Ltd.) does not attribute a preventive or curative effect to the products. The use of the products enhances the body's self-healing process and is not a substitute for necessary medical treatment, so consult your doctor. If you are also taking medications, do not discontinue them without consulting your doctor, and certainly not immediately.
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GALLMET products are available in ALL Hungarian pharmacies and herbal shops or can be ordered!
Gallmet bile acid capsules contain similar amounts of bile acids, but GALLMET-Mix also contains herbal extracts that support digestion, while GALLMET-Extra contains digestive enzymes and herbal extracts that also support digestion.
20 000 Ft above the value of your shopping cart 1 390 Ft shipping discount, 30 000 Ft and over an additional 5% discount!
Purchase directly from the manufacturer
GALLMET-Mix * 90 capsules of bile acid and herbs - in English packaging
10 490 FtCapsule price: 117 FtGALLMET-Mix * 60 capsules of bile acid and herbs - in English packaging
7 990 FtCapsule price: 133 FtGALLMET-Mix * 30 capsules of bile acid and herbs - in English packaging
4 990 FtCapsule price: 166 Ft