
Biliary dysfunction and bile acids - What form and where is GALLMET available?

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The functioning of the autonomic nervous system plays a major role in bile production and therefore bile secretion, which interact with each other, so if bile is not secreted, fats are not broken down. This lack of bile does not sterilise the intestine from various pathogens, cholesterol levels start to rise. koleszterin szint.

A Gallmet egy bélben oldódó kapszula, ami ellenáll a gyomorsavnak és a vékonybélben esik szét, ahova az epevezeték is csatlakozik.

A Gallmet epesav tartalma serkenti, aktivizálja az cycle of bile acidss (epe termelés, epe ürülés), valamint pótolja a szervezetből hiányzó epét, így segíti a zsírok bontását.

Experts' discussion:
Dr István Tihanyi, doctor, iridologist, paediatrician, naturopath and
László Béky naturopath

Echo TV - Vitality 2011.06.02.

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The GALLMET products are available in all Hungarian pharmacies and in some herbal shops!

20 000 Ft above the value of your shopping cart 1 390 Ft shipping discount, 30 000 Ft and over an additional 5% discount!

Notice: Please be advised that deliveries may be delayed for a few days during the festive period due to overloaded couriers.

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