Significant antioxidant effect

Counteract the development of chronic disease by maintaining free radical-antioxidant balance
GALLMET-Immune (AntiBac) capsules with herbs and bile acids to fight harmful bacteria and microorganisms, to support the immune system and digestion
"In the development of many chronic diseases, a shift in the free radical-antioxidant balance plays a significant role, e.g. in cancer, immune-related disorders, inflammatory bowel diseases, etc. In these diseases, a reduction in natural antioxidant defences has been shown. The role of antioxidants is to deactivate free radicals, thereby preventing oxidative stress and ultimately preventing the resulting damage and disease."

Which common foods are the best antioxidants?

  • aubergines, pulses such as black or kidney beans, green tea, red grapes, dark chocolate, pomegranates, blueberries, apples, broccoli, spinach, lentils, citrus fruits, tomatoes, berries, oil seeds, rosehips, ginger. Source: - Antioxidants

In addition to the above, there are a number of herbs with antioxidant effects that are recommended to be consumed regularly to keep these processes in balance.


King of bitter (Andrographis paniculata)

Andrographis leaves and roots were used in India and China to make medicine even before antibiotics were invented

  • The king of bitter is internally liver protective and antioxidant.C16

Garlic (Allium sativum)

One GALLMET-Immune (AntiBac) capsule contains the active ingredients of several cloves of garlic!

  • The effect against pulmonary infections has been demonstrated in a modern clinical trial.B16 One study found that long-term garlic taken as a preventative measure significantly reduced the risk of developing respiratory infections.
  • The garlic antioxidant effects have been experimentally demonstrated. B3 B4

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

The benefits of turmeric have been recognised by the pharmaceutical and health industries

  •  curcumin has a proven immunostimulant effect: during the immune response increased antibody production and white blood cell count.E6
  • Several clinical studies indicate that the curcumin relieves the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, is a major antioxidant.E11
black elderberry

Black elderberry (Sambucus Nigra)

In folk medicine, elderberries were "the poor man's pharmacy"

    • The Elderflower crop contains high levels of anthocyanin (which gives it its colour). These compounds have antioxidant activity G5, antiviral activity against respiratory viruses (e.g. influenza virus), and act on the immune system to help fight viruses.A6 A4 A3
white horehound

White horehound (Marrubium vulgare)

White horehound is such a popular herb that it is even used to make sweets!

    • From white horehound anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antioxidant, blood pressure and blood sugar lowering D1 D3 D5 D6 its effects are supported by data from animal studies.

GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) is a new dietary supplement on the market, supported by the National Research Development Agency with an invention application!

The GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) hundreds of international research articles, studies and research and its ingredients have been selected to meet the current challenges and help the body's defences!

We recommend GALLMET Q10 coenzyme + Q1 NADH as a complementary product

The benefits of vitamins Q:

  • Energy boost: Reduces fatigue and increases performance.
  • Heart protection: It helps maintain healthy blood pressure and protects against heart disease.
  • Strengthening the immune system: Supports the proper functioning of the immune system.
  • Antioxidant effect: protects cells from oxidative stress, because when we are under stress or sickness and free radicals increase and the body cannot produce enough antioxidants, Q10 can make up for it.
  • Anti-ageing: It can help slow down the ageing process.
GALLMET Coenzyme Q10 + Q1 NADH capsules are currently only available in our webshop, together with other GALLMET products at a discounted price.
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