The relationship between the body's immune system and GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) capsules

Frequently asked questions about GALLMET capsules

  1. You can buy GALLMET bile acid capsules at any Hungarian pharmacy, but it may be that the pharmacy does not have it in stock, in which case you should ask the pharmacist to order it, as all wholesalers stock our product.
  2. Our products can also be found at the following retailers:, Mediline, Herbaház etc.
  3. You can order in our webshop:
  4. GALLMET-Extra capsules are currently available only from our webshop, but will soon be available for purchase or order in pharmacies.



GALLMET-Natural bile acid capsules can be used effectively in more than 90% cases (depending on individual health status and sensitivity) for the listed complaints. The symptoms listed are indicative of a biliary problem, more specifically a disturbance of the enterohepatic circulation, which GALLMET is designed to alleviate. We recommend that you purchase and try the smallest 30 capsule pack of GALLMET bile acid capsules. If you have experienced relief, we recommend that you continue taking the larger, more economical bottle.

We also recommend reading the following article:
One of the main functions of bile acids is to break down fats

We do not recommend taking GALLMET during pregnancy on the advice of our medical experts as a precautionary measure. We are not aware of any side effects and have not received any such reports, although many people have taken GALLMET during pregnancy, as gallstones often develop during this period.

There is no reason why you should not take GALLMET while breastfeeding.

Yes, gluten-free, lactose-free and dairy-free, you can see the food laboratory test at the link below: Laboratory testing of GALLMET capsules

Yes, bile acid is a naturally occurring cholesterol-lowering substance, the reduction will occur after a few weeks of taking it, please read the information below: Lowering cholesterol with natural bile acids

Yes, because GALLMET can dissolve cholesterol stones smaller than 15 mm, which are about 80% of gallstones and can cause digestive problems later on, with just a few months of use. Please read the following articles:
What causes biliary polyps and gallstones?
Gallstone removal, removal, types of gallbladder surgery

Yes, because GALLMET tends to alleviate the symptoms listed in more than 90% of cases, depending on individual health and sensitivity.
You can also dissolve cholesterol stones smaller than 15 mm (about 80% of gallstones are cholesterol stones) by taking them every few months.

Please read the following articles:
How can gallbladder polyps and gallstones be treated with bile acids?
Gallstone removal, removal, types of gallbladder surgery

In general, cholesterol stones smaller than 15 mm (about 80% of gallstones are cholesterol stones) can be dissolved with bile acids. If an ultrasound scan shows a gallstone but it is not visible on X-ray, it is a cholesterol stone.
Please read the following article:
How can gallbladder polyps and gallstones be treated with bile acids?

If the X-ray also shows gallstones, they are definitely calcareous, hard stones, and it is not possible to dissolve them at the moment.
Please read the following article:
Curing gallstones with gallstone crushing

Yes, stress can also cause gallstones (common in women because of the more sensitive nervous system), as it can close the Vater's papillae leading from the gallbladder to the duodenum, preventing the sphincter of Oddi from opening, so that bile can condense in the gallbladder, causing stone formation.
As a consequence, the duct between the liver and the gallbladder may also become stiff/thickened.
You can try opening the Oddi sphincter with an occasional No-Spa 80 mg antispasmodic tablet. Stonewort (capsules or tea) has also been effective in dissolving calcareous stones in many people. If you also have digestive problems, taking GALLMET capsules is recommended.
We recommend drinking 2-3 litres of non-carbonated water a day!
The relationship between stress and bile function and digestion

Yes, there is a lot of positive feedback about the positive effects of GALLMET capsules for biliary polyps. It is advisable to start treating biliary polyps now, as they may develop into gallstones later on. It is recommended to consume 2-3 litres of non-carbonated water per day.

Please see below for customer feedback on biliary polyps:
Treatment and symptomatic relief of gallstones with bile acids

Yes, GALLMET-Natural can alleviate the symptoms listed in more than 90% of cases, depending on individual health and sensitivity.
It should be noted that after gall bladder surgery, the body is in a state of bile deficiency, as the gall bladder no longer stores the bile that is constantly being produced, but it is constantly being drained into the duodenum. It is therefore worthwhile to replace the missing bile acids at mealtimes, especially if fatty foods are eaten. Please read the following articles:

What can you do if you have problems after gall bladder surgery?
The disposable organ we can't live without - the gallbladder

If you have had gallbladder surgery, we recommend taking them continuously, as the gallbladder no longer stores the bile produced, but is constantly being drained into the duodenum. This means that when you eat, there is not enough bile available for proper digestion and you will be in a state of bile deficiency.

If you have gallstones, we recommend taking it continuously, because it relieves gallstones symptoms (bloating, pain under the right rib cage, pain radiating to the back, diarrhoea or constipation, lightening of the stools) and can completely dissolve cholesterol stones smaller than about 15 mm.

If you have digestive problems periodically, you can take it as a cure. If the symptoms stop, you can stop taking it. If the symptoms reappear, you may want to start taking it again.

Both GALLMET products contain similar amounts of bile acids, but GALLMET-Mix also contains herbs. The herbs complement the digestive support of the bile acids. Some people may react adversely to the herbs, so GALLMET-Natural is recommended for them. It is recommended to use both products consecutively for 2-4 weeks and then continue with the product that is better for you.

It is recommended to use both products consecutively for 2-4 weeks and then continue with the product that has produced the better effect. The two products have basically similar effects.

There are many possible causes of reflux, but in the case of bile reflux, there is a lot of positive feedback about the effects of GALLMET. Therefore, we recommend you try the cheapest 30 capsules of GALLMET bile acid capsules and if it helps with your symptoms, then continue taking it.

Please read the article below:
The relationship between reflux and bile function

It is recommended to try GALLMET because we have received positive feedback from many of our customers over the years who have taken it for psoriasis. You should know that relief from psoriasis problems can be expected after a few weeks of taking it, depending on your health and sensitivity.

Please read the article below:
Beneficial effects of bile acids on psoriasis

You should be aware that psoriasis is a very complex problem, so we recommend that you also consult one of our medical experts below, as they have a lot of experience in this area:

Dr Erika Balaicza
Dr. István Tihanyi
Dr. Szidónia Papp
Dr. János Medgyesi
László Béky naturopath

It is not at all advised to take GALLMET bile acid capsules without the capsule for the following reasons:

  • The contents of the capsule must pass directly into the duodenum and this is ensured by the capsule shell, which is resistant to stomach acid, so it only passes through the stomach and only falls apart in the duodenum, where the bile duct is connected.
  • The contents of the capsules without the capsule shell may have a small chance of being carcinogenic (carcinogenic) in the stomach, but in the long term.
  •  The contents of the capsules are so bitter and unpleasant smelling that they can even cause nausea.

GALLMET bile acid capsules should be swallowed with plenty of liquid or a well-chewed meal (without chewing the capsule) while eating.

Over the last 10 years of marketing we have received a lot of positive feedback about the use of this product for IBS, but not for everyone, especially those with constipation symptoms, so we recommend you try our cheapest 30 capsules. If your problems have improved, we recommend that you continue taking it.

Bile deficiency or bile dysfunction can cause various skin problems.
For psoriasis and acne-prone skin, we recommend you try GALLMET-Natural capsules. The effects of the treatment are expected to be felt after several weeks.
For eczema, we recommend trying GALLMET-Extra capsules. Dr. Erika Balaicza, internist and medical specialist, has experience in the treatment of eczema. If you would like to contact her, you can find out how to make an appointment by following the link below:

In this video, the doctor touches on this problem, so we recommend you watch it: How can psoriasis and other skin conditions be recognised?


It is advisable to gradually increase the amount of capsules per day - in the case of a normal diet - until the optimal result is achieved, for example:

  • For 3-5 days, 1 capsule immediately before or during lunch,
  • 1 additional capsule for 3-5 days immediately before or during breakfast (for a total of 2 capsules per day),
  • and then 1 capsule just before or during dinner for 3-5 days (for a total of 3 capsules per day).

This should be used to decide how many capsules a day give the best feeling and to continue taking the same number of capsules.
Take the capsule at the start of or with a meal. You should not use it if you are eating a very dietary meal as it may cause minor diarrhoea and nausea.
You can take 2 capsules at a time for a more substantial meal.
We recommend drinking 2-3 litres of still water a day.

Bile and bile acids have an antiseptic effect, which comes from their fat breakdown action, as bile acid breaks down the outer, fatty peptide shell of various harmful bacteria, microorganisms and viruses, thus helping the immune system. Any bile deficiency is also an immune deficiency, which increases the body's susceptibility to various infections and other diseases. If bile is not produced in sufficient quantities, this antiseptic function does not work properly and replaceable by taking bile acids orally.
Bile acids also protect against endotoxins (internal toxins). Endotoxins are released from bacteria that have decayed in the gut, which, if absorbed into the circulation, can trigger pathological processes. Under ideal conditions, however, bile acids protect the body against endotoxins present in the gut.
"In the physico-chemical defence based on the detergent effect of bile acids, we have identified a general defence mechanism of the organism that is not limited to bacterial endotoxins, but extends to all "agents" (e.g. some viruses) that have lipoprotein or lipoid structures on their surface..." Source: research by Professor Lóránd Bertók - Hungarian Science, 2008/07 page 844

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The GALLMET products are available in all Hungarian pharmacies and in some herbal shops!

20 000 Ft over the 1 390 Ft shipping discount, over 30 000 Ft and an additional 5% discount!

Notice: Please be advised that deliveries may be delayed for a few days during the festive period due to overloaded couriers.

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