Stress and mental state in relation to digestion and bile function

Stress and digestion

'Stress has a significant impact on the entire digestive system, including bile production and excretion. The dysfunction of bile production and excretion reduces or suspends one of the body's very important defence systems, the so-called physico-chemical defence based on the detergent action of bile acids, which, in its absence, leaves the body defenceless against certain toxins (e.g. endotoxins) and so-called "large viruses" (e.g. herpes) in the gut.'
Stressful lifestyle

In today's world, it's hard to live without stress. We're stressed when travelling, at work, queuing.

People often think that choleric people are angry and nervous, and that they suddenly lose control. This saying also explains that stress can have a negative effect on the secretion of bile. This is because bile enters the duodenum through a channel, the Vater's papilla, which contracts and spasms in the case of stress. The sphincter of Oddi, which is located there, contracts too, so the bile doesn't reach the right place where it should be used.

This can have the effect of making you bloated from food. Even though enough bile is produced, it does not reach the duodenum and does not break down fats properly.


Source: short conversation with Dr. Erika Balaicza, internist, on reducing the symptoms of stress (with subtitles, about 4 minutes, Fix TV - Szinusz)

Bile diseases and gallstones may have a psychological background

Our physical problems reveal our spiritual problems, our unresolved tasks. It is worth reading the signs, because healing requires that we change our life situations.

Gallstones can be caused by long-lasting negative emotional burdens such as financial problems, relationship problems, guilt. Bile duct stones can be caused by jealousy, remorse or anxiety due to fear.

A biliary spasm can be caused by rebellion against a life situation, a repressed psychological injury, etc.

What can you do if you have digestive problems due to mental health or stress?

  • It is also worth consuming products containing magnesium, which relaxes smooth muscles and improves stress tolerance.
  • You should also take bile acid capsules and bile-diluting herbs to support digestion. Bile supplementation is especially recommended for people who have cholesterol deposits, gallstones or have already undergone biliary surgery or have reflux.

Gallmet bile acid capsules contain similar amounts of bile acids, but GALLMET-Mix also contains herbal extracts that support digestion, while GALLMET-Extra contains digestive enzymes and herbal extracts that also support digestion.

Read more about how bile acids help people's health:

healthy digestion

Bile and digestion

The crucial role of gallbladder and bile acids in digestion

problems after gallbladder surgery

After gallbladder surgery

What can you do if you have problems after gall bladder surgery?

Reflux, inflammation of the bowel

Intestinal diseases

IBS, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in relation to bile

gallstone dissolution

Bile stone dissolution

How can gallstones be treated with bile acids?

high cholesterol

High cholesterol

How does proper bile function rid the body of excess cholesterol?

Stressful lifestyle


The link between stress-induced digestive problems and bile acids.

The relationship between bile acids and the immune system.

Immune system support

The beneficial effects of bile acids on the immune system



Beneficial effects of bile acids on psoriasis

epeholyag es epeko

Get rid of gallstones

Gallstone removal, gallbladder surgery, types of gallbladder surgery

Vitamins and bile

Utilisation of fat-soluble vitamins and the relationship with bile


Weight reduction

How can proper bile function contribute to weight loss?

Bile acids and immunity

Bile acids and the immune system

The antiseptic effect of bile acids

against infections

For infections

What can be done to relieve various infections?

diabetes and bile

The relationship between diabetes and bile function

How do bile acids affect diabetes?

Role of bile acids

Physiological effects of bile acids

gallstones, gallstone dissolution, gallbladder surgery

Bile stone crushing (ESWL)

How can gallstones be cured?

Bile circulation and the role of bile acids

Bile cycle: overview and presentation

The role of bile acids in our quality of life
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