The expert answers - GALLMET Heart Plus

ATTENTION: Pursuant to directive 2002/46/EC of the European parliament and of the council, it is prohibited to attribute a preventive or curative effect to a food supplement or to refer to such a property in the labelling, presentation and advertising of food supplements. In light of this, the distributor (GALLMED Kft. / GALLMED Ltd.) does not attribute a preventive or curative effect to the products. The use of the products enhances the body's self-healing process and is not a substitute for necessary medical treatment, so consult your doctor. If you are also taking medications, do not discontinue them without consulting your doctor, and certainly not immediately.

Use GALLMET / GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) products at your own risk and it is recommended that you check with your doctor!

Gallmet bile acid capsules contain similar amounts of bile acids, but GALLMET-Mix also contains herbal extracts that support digestion, while GALLMET-Extra contains digestive enzymes and herbal extracts that also support digestion.
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