B.M. - Bloating after gallbladder surgery
"I have been taking GALLMET-Natural for a week. I've had gall bladder surgery 25 years ago. I had constant burning in my stomach. After a week...
"I have been taking GALLMET-Natural for a week. I've had gall bladder surgery 25 years ago. I had constant burning in my stomach. After a week...
"I have had psoriasis since I was 4 years old. I've been taking GALLMET-Natural for a year, it's finally gone, I can only recommend it. I am 63 years old now!...
"I have been taking Gallmet-Natural capsules for a month. I had my gallbladder removed quite young, 20 years ago, and my digestion has been...
B.L. - Digestive problems after gall bladder surgery Read more »
I've had surgery on my leg, stenting for a stenosis, can I take GALLMET Heart Plus capsules? G.Valéria Dear Valéria! Yes...
I've had surgery on my leg, they put in a stent for a stenosis, can I take it? Read more »
"Hello! I would like to enquire. I had my gall bladder removed in August... And since then I have had diarrhoea non-stop... Can you recommend something for this?" B....
I had my gall bladder removed in August, and since then I've had non-stop diarrhoea... Read more »