My son has a 4 cm gallstone, and they put a stent in the duct

My son has a 4 cm gallstone, and they put a stent in the duct

epeholyag es epeko

"My son has a 4 cm gallstone in the duct, they put a stent in to drain the bile. What do you recommend to get rid of the large stone? Thank you for your reply!"

Valeria G.

Dear Valeria!

We recommend the use of GALLMET-Natural for the relief of gallstone complaints. In this case, gallstone extraction may be the most effective treatment, which you can read about and contact the doctor who will treat you on the following page:
We also recommend drinking 2-3 litres of non-carbonated water a day.

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The GALLMET products are available in all Hungarian pharmacies and in some herbal shops!

20 000 Ft over the 1 390 Ft shipping discount, over 30 000 Ft and an additional 5% discount!

Notice: Please be advised that deliveries may be delayed for a few days during the festive period due to overloaded couriers.

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