J.F. - Bile spasm

Dear Gallmed Kft.

I am pleased to inform you that after several weeks of biliary spasm at the beginning of the year, my complaints have permanently disappeared - for about 2-3 months now - thanks to the Gallmet-Natural product.

I took Gallmet-Mix first (for 1 week) in combination with herbs, which also proved to be very effective because it gives immediate symptom relief, but I had adverse side effects from the herbs. I then tried the plain bile acid product, Gallmet-Natural, which I experimented with taking 1 capsule every 1-2 days for complete symptom relief.

This means that:

- no bile spasms at all for months,
- I can eat anything I want, even spiced up with chunky goose fat bread
- and the capsule itself has no side effects.

I would therefore like to express my thanks to you.

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