Latest news and articles on the GALLMET website

I have pancreatitis and gallbladder inflammation, 1 2 cm gallstone and 4 small
I have inflammation of the pancreas and gallbladder, 1 2 cm gallstone and 4 small gallstones. I have ordered Mix, is that right?...

I have multiple biliary polyps, a ruptured bile duct and a calcified gallstone, what should I do?
I have several biliary polyps, the largest is 8 mm, I have a ruptured bile duct and a calcified gallstone, what should I do? K. Joseph...
Olga L. - Gallstones, bile spasm
I had 7 bile spasms between January and April last year! But now they digest anything with ease! I hope the gallstones dissolve!....

My mother has been diagnosed with whole liver cirrhosis and dense bile leakage
My mother was diagnosed with whole liver cirrhosis and dense bile leakage on abdominal ultrasound. She has no symptoms or signs of liver disease. There is bloating. Three lymph nodes and...
N. Marianna - Strawberries
Gallmet-Natural is my favourite! I have gallstones, I was bloated and crampy for a long time. I often didn't dare to eat. Since I started taking it, I don't bloat and I eat well! N. Marianna...
Cs. Sándorné - Inflammatory bowel disease
I take GALLMET-Extra for inflammatory bowel disease and gallstones. It has improved my condition a lot. Cs. Mrs. Sándor - Inflammatory bowel disease
Zsuzsa F. - Dissolving a 7 mm gallstone
I took Gallnet-Natural for six months. It chopped up my 7 mm gallstone. My digestion has been very good since then! Thank you F. Zsuzsa - 7 mm...
Judit K. - Heart valve problem
"It helped a lot with the heart valve problems I was born with. I am less tired, I keep my physical, mental and spiritual freshness. My gout factor has also decreased!"...
Szilvia F. - Heart rhythm disorder
"I have a heart rhythm disorder, it has improved my condition, I feel fitter and I don't have extra beats as often!" Silvia F. - Heart Rhythm Disorder
GALLMET products are available in ALL Hungarian pharmacies and herbal shops or can be ordered!
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