Causes of headaches, acne, dry elbows, concentration problems, insomnia and possible treatment with bile acids

The following symptoms are signs of digestive problems, which can be alleviated by oral supplementation of bile acids:

  • constant headaches,
  • bloating,
  • white tongue,
  • fungal infections,
  • lots of pimples around the jaw can indicate colon problems, and pimples on the face can indicate thin and horseshoe problems
  • for managerial type ladies, brown spots on the forehead and around the ears are a sign of fatigue, which can be helped by improving digestion.
  • dry elbows can also indicate problems with the colon,
  • cracked heel or outer part of the foot
  • dandruff,
  • concentration disorders,
  • after-lunch fatigue can also be caused by digestive problems,
  • waking between 2 and 3 a.m., insomnia may indicate liver problems.

Experts' discussion:
Dr István Tihanyi is a physician, iridologist, paediatrician, naturopath and
László Béky naturopath

Echo TV - Mozaik 2012.03.17.

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