
Upper respiratory, dermatological, arthritic and inflammatory bowel diseases in relation to bile acids


Bile problems may be indicated by the following health complaints:

  • frontal sinusitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • ear canal involvement,
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa,
  • garrat-gége involvement,
  • cough,
  • dermatological symptoms: left elbow lesions with a purulent rubbing, heel chapping, dry skin on the shin
  • arthritis (can lead to hip and knee replacement)

In these cases, it is worth using bile acid preparations to make up for the missing bile.

A hosszan tartó epehiányos állapot magával hozhatja az irritált bélszindrómát (IBS), hasnyálmirigy gyulladást, patogén baktériumok elterjedését, a baktériumok által termelt endotoxinok elszaporodását (akár a vese leállását is okozhatják), allergiát, felső légúti hurutokat.

A short conversation:
Dr István Tihanyi, doctor, iridologist, paediatrician, naturopath and
László Béky naturopath
Source: Echo TV - Vitality programme 2014.03.29.

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