
The seven ingredients of GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) relieve the symptoms of colds, flus and flu both individually and synergistically!

The seven ingredients of GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) relieve the symptoms of colds, flus and flu both individually and synergistically!

Support for the immune system and natural defences, especially at the level of the upper respiratory tract


'A colds or cold or rhinitis, a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, which mainly attacks the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, but can also occur in the lungs. There is no precise scientific or medical definition of colds (the only thing to do with colds is that the pathogens are seasonally more active in winter). The most common pathogen is rhinovirus, but it can be caused by more than 200 different viruses and sometimes bacterial infections can aggravate symptoms. Colds are often mistaken for the more serious with flu. A megfázás a leggyakoribb fertőzéstípus az emberek körében.Tünetei – a súlyosság és kiterjedés szerint – többek között a köhögés, a torokfájás, az orrfolyás valamint a láz. A tünetek általában hét-tíz nap után megszűnnek, némelyik azonban akár három hétig is fennállhat.A felső légúti fertőzéseket a test leginkább érintett területei szerint kategorizálják. A tüneteket nem a vírusok által okozott szöveti károsodások, hanem az immunrendszer fertőzésre adott válaszreakciói váltják ki.A meghűlésre nincs gyógymód, de a tünetek kezelhetőek. A felnőttek átlagosan évente kétszer-háromszor kapnak meghűlést. A gyermekek körében az átlag hat és tizenkét meghűlés évente. A fertőzés megelőzésének elsődleges módja a gyakori kézmosás, és arra is található bizonyíték, hogy hatékony védekezési mód lehet az arcmaszk viselése.’ – Forrás: https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megfázás

Active ingredients of GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) and seven times their effects to protect the body:


one GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) capsule contains the active ingredient of several cloves of garlic!

  • In the Middle Ages, garlic was used to prevent epidemic diseases.
  • Garlic inhibits the growth of many respiratory pathogens (bacteria, viruses)B16
  • The effect against pulmonary infections has been demonstrated in a modern clinical trial.B16 One study found that long-term garlic taken as a preventative measure significantly reduced the risk of developing respiratory infections.

King of bitter

its leaves and roots were used to make medicine in India and China even before the invention of antibiotics

  • The anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antispasmodic effects of king of bitter extract against various pathogens (E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, B. subtilis, Candida albicans) have been experimentally demonstrated C2 C8.
  • In a meta-analysis, the efficacy of king of bitter in the treatment of the common cold was analysed using data from more than 7000 patients. C2 Results indicate that it relieves cough, sore throat, cold symptoms and speeds up recovery C17 C2  C12

Black elderberries

In folk medicine, elderberries were "the poor man's pharmacy"

  • Elderflower has been a part of European folk medicine for centuries: it is used mainly as a diaphoretic and to treat fever and colds.
  • The juice and extract of the fruit are also used to treat colds.
  • The Elderflower crop antioxidant and G5, antiviral activity against respiratory viruses (e.g. influenza virus),
  • From act on the immune system to help fight viruses.A6 A4 A3
  • Elderberry crop can speed recovery and reduce symptoms in people with flu A4.
  • A similar effect has been observed for colds A5.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

The benefits of turmeric have been recognised by the pharmaceutical and health industries

  • The anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric have been clinically proven E19.
  • Curcumin has an immunostimulant effect: it boosted the production of antibodies and the white blood cell count during the immune response E2.

Bile acids (bile acids)

The antiseptic action of bile acids is due to their fat-busting function. It breaks down the fat-containing skeletons of lipid-coated macro viruses, bacteria and pathogens, making them more accessible to immune cells, thus relieving the immune system.

Professor Dr. Lóránd Bertók wrote the following: "In the physico-chemical defence based on the detergent action of bile acids, we have identified a general defence mechanism of the body, which extends to all pathogens with a fatty structure on their surface..." (e.g. influenza and herpes viruses). Source: The role of bile acids in the physico-chemical defence of the body

GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) is a new dietary supplement on the market, which is supported by the National Research Development Office in its invention application!

GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) hundreds of international research articles, studies and research and its ingredients have been selected to meet the current challenges and help the body's defences!

For the additional treatment of current infections, we have optimised the 30 capsule pack, of which, depending on the severity of the symptoms, 4 capsules per day are recommended for 2-3 days in the initial stage, and then 3 capsules per day until symptoms are significantly relieved!

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