Doctors and naturopaths who know and use GALLMET products.

Dr Erika Balaicza

Dr Erika Balaicza

doctor, internist, naturopath

Professor Dr. Lóránd Bertók

Prof Dr Lóránd Bertók †

Doctor of Medicine, former member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, expertise on bile acid research

Dr. János Medgyesi

Dr János Medgyesi

general practitioner / company doctor
Medical Director of MedFood Ltd.

Dr. István Tihanyi

Dr István Tihanyi

doctor, iridologist, paediatrician, naturopath

Dr. Szidónia Papp

Dr. Szidónia Papp

anthroposophist doctor

László Béky

László Béky †


Dr. András Bodnár

Dr. András Bodnár

specialist surgeon, chief surgeon - gallstones crushing (ESWL)

GALLMET products have been tested by the international WESSLING laboratory for:

  • Microbiology
  • pollutants,
  • heavy metals,
  • radioactivity,
  • doping-free,
  • does not contain potency enhancing substances,
  • allergen (gluten, lactose, casein) free

Laboratory test results:

Public, expert video interviews, experiences and recommendations from doctors and naturopaths using GALLMET products (with subtitles)

The video is best viewed at full screen.

Our partners

PHOENIX Pharma Zrt.
Zöld Forrás Üzletház
Bio-Barát Bioboltok és webáruház
Bio-Barát Bioboltok és webáruház
Ревита ООД
Ревита ООД
Bellis Egészségtár Kft.
MediLine Kft.
Carnivoro GmbH
Bijó Élelmiszer Kft.
Gyógynövény és Reformélelmiszer Üzlet
Caprix Kft.
fitness centre
Trics-co Kft.
Eclosion Kft.
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