Customer question: can GALLMET be effective for gallstones up to 1 cm?

Customer question: can GALLMET be effective for gallstones up to 1 cm?

T. Address! I have a 1cm gallstone and lots of small ones. Does GALLMET work for me too?

Dear E.!

Thank you for contacting us with your question. GALLMET bile acid capsules are recommended for cases just like yours. The effects of using GALLMET may include: relieving symptoms of gallstones, dissolving soft cholesterol stones with several months of use. It is recommended that you check the size of your gallstones at regular intervals.

We wish you continued good health,

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The GALLMET products are available in all Hungarian pharmacies and in some herbal shops!

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Notice: Please be advised that deliveries may be delayed for a few days during the festive period due to overloaded couriers.

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