The role of bile acids in the treatment of gallstones and gallbladder post-operative digestive problems

against gallstones

How to prevent prevent gallstones?

One of the most important elements in preventing gallstone formation is to ensure that the liver produces enough bile and to help bile to be excreted. So make it as dilute as possible and make it as easy as possible to empty from the gallbladder. It is important to eat a balanced, nutritious diet. For breakfast, eat soft-boiled eggs, bacon, buttered toast, which will 'address' the gall bladder and empty it of bile produced during the night. Eat like kings in the morning, like citizens at noon and like beggars in the evening.

What causes gallstones?

  • One cause of gallstone formation genetics, so it is mainly inherited by women within families.
  • It is also common in women during pregnancy.
  • One of the reasons may be to consume less than 3 litres a day, but at least 2 litres a day, water intake without carbonic acid and other additives.
  • Most often the excessive fat consumption may be behind it. So being overweight and having high cholesterol also makes people more prone to gallstones.
  • In other cases, this on the other hand, dieters develop, because they do not eat enough fatty, oily foods that stimulate the gallbladder to produce bile properly.

Main symptoms of gallstones:

  • bloating,
  • cramping stomach,
  • pain under the right rib cage,
  • stabbing pain radiating into the back.

What can someone who has already developed gallstones do?

Gallstones can be expelled or dissolved in the following ways, which should be discussed with a specialist:

  • Gallstones up to 6-8 mm in size can be expelled by taking bitter herbs, essential oils and capsules containing bile acids.
  • Taking magnesium is also very important because it relaxes the muscles and makes it easier for the bile to drain into the duodenum through the previously spasming Vater's papilla. In addition, magnesium dilates the bile ducts, which is also needed to expel small gallstones.
  • Drinking medicinal waters containing magnesium sulphate.
  • The black radish juice cure also has a role to play in softening small stones and making them easier to drain.
  • Artichokes and avocados also increase bile flow.
  • Buttered toast with a soft-boiled egg for breakfast is also effective. It is very important that it is not hard-boiled, as it can sit in the stomach for hours.
  • For larger gallstones, gallstone extraction may be an option.
  • It is very important that people on chronic diets and dieters are given bile-inducing drugs, as they are at high risk of developing gallstones. Bile acid products and bitter herbs are also recommended for dieters with high cholesterol.
  • Consuming bile acids can relieve symptoms and even dissolve up to 10-15 mm of the so-called soft cholesterol stone.
problems after gallbladder surgery

What can you do if you have digestive problems after gall bladder surgery?

The gallbladder is responsible for storing the bile produced in the liver. If the gallbladder is removed, this storage function ceases and the bile produced flows continuously. Not enough bile is available to break down food when eating fatty foods, because the bile reserve, which is used to store bile, reduces the efficiency of fat breakdown and digestion is impaired, leading to bloating, for example.
If the amount of bile is not sufficient, the intestines also fail to neutralise endotoxins that cause various diseases, which can also be the cause of other diseases
The bile that is produced is then stored in the bile capillaries of the liver and in the bile ducts, but it is also constantly flowing into the duodenum, so it will be missing when it is needed.
After the gall bladder is removed, you may experience indigestion, but bile deficiency at mealtimes can be compensated by the administration of bile acid products and herbs.

Date of publication: Zöld Újság February 2020

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