My digestion is very bad, I don't know what to eat anymore
Welcome! I have a very bad digestion, slowly I don't know what to eat because the food is so much...
My digestion is very bad, I don't know what to eat anymore Read more »
Welcome! I have a very bad digestion, slowly I don't know what to eat because the food is so much...
My digestion is very bad, I don't know what to eat anymore Read more »
Dear Address! I had a gall bladder operation 12 years ago, no stomach pain, but the bloater accompanied me every day. But my biggest problem is...
Constant bloating and tightness after gallbladder surgery Read more »
Welcome! I am already taking GALLMET bile acid capsules and hope it will help. Since the capsule says you can eat anything (I'm...
Can I eat fried cheese, coconut, avocado, fatty foods on a bile diet? Read more »
Signs of liver and gallbladder problems: chronic headache, drowsiness, bloating, pain under the rib cage, reflux, nausea, nausea, food intolerance, skin symptoms: dry skin, psoriasis,Megjelenés helye: D1 TV...
I had stomach cramps for 7 days, I couldn't eat or drink, everything came out. My stomach was bloated. I started taking them, 1 a day, carefully....