Newsletter 2: How does high homocysteine levels affect around 10% of the Hungarian population?

more than 100 diseases have been identified that are associated with elevated blood homocysteine levels

GALLMET news: How does high homocysteine levels affect around 10% of the EU population?

From now on, we will regularly (but not too often and with short letters) provide you with health-related news, news about GALLMET products, promotions.

As promised in our previous letter, we now present the homocysteine associated with the GALLMET Heart Plus product range.

Homocysteine is an amino acid that is essential for maintaining normal cell function, but more than 100 diseases have been identified so far that are associated with elevated blood levels of homocysteine. The most common associations are with cardiovascular diseases, for which scientific papers in Hungarian have been published as early as 2001.

What can cause someone to have high homocysteine levels?

  • Poor genetics (about 40% of the European population inherit an MTHFR gene defect from one parent and about 11% from both parents),
  • poor dietary habits: too much animal protein and fat intake (Hungarian cuisine), too much sugar intake, low folate intake (too little pulses, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, etc.), low betaine intake
  • active substances in certain medicines,
  • ageing,
  • smoking,
  • stress.

How do you know if your homocysteine levels are high?

If you have a family history of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia, thrombosis, cerebrovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, severe or fatal COVID infection, you are very likely to be affected.

The GALLMET team wishes you good health!


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