N.B. - Gallbladder polyp, pain under right rib cage

"The problems mentioned by Mr László Béky have all occurred in 2019. In December I found out that I had a bile problem, specifically a 0.4 mm polyp, which was accompanied by a significantly thicker bile wall and sludge in the gallbladder.
Of course, I was immediately scheduled for surgery, but at the age of 24, I considered it unacceptable and premature. I immediately started a lifestyle change. Since then, I have been eating a regular and healthy diet 5-6 times a day, exercising 3-5 times a week, and I have started taking various supplements, herbs and herbal teas.
By May 2020 the sludge had cleared and the gallbladder wall had normalised, but the cholesterol polyp was still the same size. Unfortunately, despite the improvement, this was coupled with a constant feeling of pressure under the right costal arch, which was very disturbing for me. I recently came across GALLMET products and immediately ordered a trial of the Natural and Mix products, I have been using GALLMET-N for 3 days. I've been taking 3x1 a day, so only 9 grains in total so far, and my pain under my right ribcage has almost completely disappeared, with very minimal discomfort and my digestion is already much better. No more of that annoying bloating after a protein shake or a meal.
In such a short time, this is a huge change for me, and I am already very grateful to you.
In less than half a year I will repeat the UH scan and I want to write to you and report my experience that this problem has been completely solved. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has similar problems with their gall bladder or digestion, because it can help a lot."

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