Frequently Asked Questions - GALLMET Immune (AntiBac)

GALLMET-Immune (AntiBac) capsules with herbs and bile acids to fight harmful bacteria and microorganisms, to support the immune system and digestion



Depending on the severity of the symptoms, 4 capsules per day are recommended for 2-3 days in the initial stage and then 3 capsules per day until symptoms are significantly relieved!
Drinking 2-3 litres of non-carbonated water a day is recommended.


Take the capsule at the start of or during a meal with a normal diet. Always take it with a meal.


It is not recommended to take GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) during pregnancy or breast-feeding.


If you are taking GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) during an infection, you should stop taking GALLMET during this time, as GALLMET Immune (AntiBac) will replace GALLMET-Mix and Natural.




Basically, we recommend taking the product as a cure during infectious diseases. It can also be taken on a longer-term basis as an immune booster, 1-2 capsules per day.


Because of the garlic extract in the product, people taking anticoagulant medication should consult their doctor and stop taking the product 2 weeks before any planned surgery.


The product is not recommended for children under 15 years of age.
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