B13 - The association of garlic with Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cancer risk

The association of garlic with Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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Garlic may be protective against Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cancer development. We conducted this study to quantitatively update evidence on garlic intake and gastric cancer with the inclusion of most recent cohort studies and qualitatively summarize epidemiological studies of garlic consumption and Helicobacter pylori infection.

Materials and methods

PubMed, Embase, MEDLINE, and Cochrane Library were searched on April 2018. We conducted a meta-analysis to determine whether garlic intake reduced gastric cancer risk using random-effect models and a systematic review to summarize evidence on the association between garlic consumption and Helicobacter pylori infection. Risk of bias was assessed using tools of Cochrane risk of bias and Robins-I for randomized and nonrandomized studies, respectively. ResultsMeta-analysis of 18 studies (142 921 subjects) demonstrated high garlic consumption (as comparing the highest category to the lowest) was associated with a reduced gastric cancer risk (OR = 0.51, 95% CI = 0.44-0.57). This association became nonsignificant if only derived from the prospective studies (OR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.66-1.24). Thirteen studies (4889 participants) were included in the systematic review for garlic consumption and Helicobacter pylori infection; ten of which found no significant results. The majority of these studies were poor in quality given the small sample size and high risk of bias.

Conclusions:Pooled evidence, mainly from case-control studies, suggested a significant inverse association of garlic intake with gastric cancer risk. Given the limitations of included studies, current epidemiological evidence is not sufficient to reach any definite conclusion regarding the association of garlic with Helicobacter pylori infection.

Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30155945/

To help protect against harmful bacteria and micro-organisms. To mitigate the effects of bacterial over-infections due to a weakened body and overburdened immune system caused by viral infections

  • The with garlic pharmaceutical research was initially conducted from a pathogen resistance perspective. In the early 20th century, it was recognised that its consumption could play a role in cardiovascularB9 the prevention and treatment of diseases.
  • The active substances its action against pathogensB2 has been proven in a number of experiments. Because of the proven antibacterial effect of sulphur-containing compounds, they could theoretically be used in in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori infections.B19 B13
  • Epidemiological (epidemiological) studies show that regular garlic consumers are less likely to have certain types of digestive tract cancer,B10 which is probably partly due to the antibacterial effect of the active substances.
  • The garlic inhibits the growth of many respiratory pathogens (bacteria, viruses)B16 under laboratory conditions.
  • The effect against pulmonary infections has been demonstrated in a modern clinical trial.B16 One study found that long-term garlic taken as a preventative measure significantly reduced the risk of developing respiratory infections.
    • The garlic effects on the cardiovascular system include slowing down atherosclerosis and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure is supported by clinical studies.B7
    • The garlic regular, cure-based use reduces the risk of the blood levels of LDL cholesterol, which is responsible for damage to the blood vessel wallB9 B1, which is why it is used to slow the development of atherosclerosis.
    • For those who have many garlic are consumed, less chance of developing stomach and bowel cancer.B10
  • The anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antispasmodic effects of king of bitter extract against various pathogens (E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, B. subtilis, Candida albicans) have been experimentally demonstrated C2 C8.
  • The white horehound its immunomodulatory effect Salmonella typhimuriumD3 have been detected in animals infected with the pathogen. Against several pathogens (Gram+ bacteria, fungi, parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii, Trichomonas vaginalis and Plasmodium berghei, E. Coli) antimicrobial effectD3 D4 under laboratory conditions. It has proven antiviral activity against herpes virus.D2 D3
  • Endotoxins are components of Gram-negative bacteria.G16 They consist of the species-specific lipopolysaccharide (LPS) part and the conserved lipid A, which is the toxic part of the molecule.
    • Mammals have millions of gram-negative bacteria in their bodies, which normally do not cause any health problems. In pathological cases, endotoxemia is caused by large amounts of endotoxin entering the bloodstream, which can cause trauma and shock. This can happen when the bacteria die or start to multiply, in which case the endotoxins are released from the bacteria and released into the body. The body's defence mechanism becomes overwhelmed by the increased amount of endotoxin entering the bloodstream, and the immune system "overreacts" to the threat, which can lead to tissue destruction, endotoxic shock and eventually death. Sepsis is a common feature and an increased risk factor for such pathologies.
    • It has been shown that all the effects that damage the intestinal mucosa reduce or completely prevent the production of a peptide, cholecystokinin, in the absence of which the gallbladder cannot empty bile into the intestine, and in its partial absence endotoxins released from the decayed bacteria can be "absorbed" and, entering the circulation, cause endotoxemia, or in more severe cases shock. Under natural conditions, however, bile acids protect the body against endotoxins that are always present in the gut by cleaving them into atoxic parts
      It also turns out that this protection also protects against all agents with a lipoid structure (e.g. large viruses with envelopes). This protection system, based on the detergent action of bile acids, is physico-chemical protection.

Support the immune system and natural defences, especially at the level of the upper respiratory tract

  • The effect against pulmonary infections has been demonstrated in a modern clinical trial.B16 One study found that long-term garlic taken as a preventative measure significantly reduced the risk of developing respiratory infections.
  • The Elderflower crop contains high levels of anthocyanin (which gives it its colour). These compounds have antioxidant activityG5, antiviral activity against respiratory viruses (e.g. influenza virus), and act on the immune system to help fight viruses.A6 A4 A3
  • The Elderflower crop extract has been shown in traditional studies to accelerates recovery and reduces symptoms in people with influenza.A4
  • Similar effects have been observed also for colds.A5 The re-analysis of clinical trial resultsA9 (meta-analysis) confirmed the above findings.
  • A meta-analysis analysed the efficacy of andrographis in the treatment of the common cold based on data from more than 7,000 patients.C2
  • The results indicate that relieves cough, sore throat, cold symptoms and speeds up recoveryC17 C2  C12 compared to a placebo.
  • Several centuries of Eastern folk experience and informative scientific studies support the anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric, and there is clinical evidence to support this.E19
  • Curcumin has a proven immunostimulant effect: it increased the production of antibodies and the white blood cell count during the immune response.E2 But the effect on the immune system is more complex than that. It also reduced airway constriction in experimentally induced allergen-provoked airway obstruction.E6
  • This effect occurs through inhibition of the NF-κB pathway, which has a role in in the development of asthmaE7 is. Available at anti-allergic effect also occurs in food allergies.E21

To help the intestinal tract as the "centre of the immune system", contributing to healthy digestion, normal functioning of the liver, bile and the microbiological balance of the gut

  • The white horehound appetite stimulant and digestive aidD1 is related to its bitter substance content. The perception of bitter taste reflexively improves appetite and aids digestion by increasing the secretion of digestive juices.
  • The turmeric also has bile production enhancing and gallbladder constricting effects. Relieving digestive complaints the extract of the drug antispasmodic activity also contributes to.E15
  • The turmeric extracted from lowers triglyceride levels, which may be partly explained by increased ooeproduction.E9
  • The with turmeric Most of the clinical data on the use of turmeric in humans comes from studies in India. Turmeric its bile stimulant (increases bile flow) and digestive (reduces dyspeptic complaints) effects have been demonstrated in human studiesE18, but no comprehensive clinical studies have been done so far. Turmeric cholesterol-lowering effect is confirmed by several clinical trials and their meta-analysis.E10
  • Centuries of Eastern folk experience and informative scientific studies support the turmeric anti-inflammatory effect, and there is clinical evidence of this.E19 The curcuminoids its anti-inflammatory effect is confirmed by the positive results of several human studies, consumption relieved joint pain.E12 Several clinical trials indicate that curcumin, presumably due to its anti-inflammatory effects, can relieves the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.E11
  • The king of bitter is internally liver protective and antioxidant.C16
  • An immunodeficiency condition associated with an epileptic state: The role of bile acids in digestion and the effects of their deficiency after gallbladder surgery. If the bile production, bile excretion, bile circulation is inadequate (bile deficiency, which is common in at least 25% of humans and is the direct or indirect cause of many diseases), the breakdown of fats and digestion will be poor, which can be accompanied by constipation, bloating, malaise and even diarrhoea, and may even be a cause of other diseases. This can be positively influenced by the intake of bile acids with meals. After gall bladder surgery, the gall bladder's storage function is lost. Bile is constantly flowing into the duodenum, so in the case of a higher bile demand (higher fat meals) there is no bile reserve due to the lack of gallbladder. Thus, fats are not fully digested (fat metabolism disorder) and when they reach the large intestine, the intestinal flora breaks down the undigested parts with gas formation, causing abdominal distention and possibly diarrhoea. Due to the absence of a gallbladder, the occasional bile deficiency associated with meals and other resulting diseases can be favourably influenced by the administration of bile acids.

Contributing to reducing the impact of bacterial hospital-acquired infections, with a special focus on Gram-negative bacteria

  • Sepsis and shock caused by Gram-negative bacteriaG17
    • Gram-negative bacteremia and associated septic shock are common in modern hospitals. Bacteraemia is the presence of viable organisms in the circulation. The estimated incidence of gram-negative bacteremia in the United States is 71 000-330 000 cases per year. Deaths attributed to this disease range from 18 000 to 132 000 per year. Sepsis is considered a systemic disease caused by microorganisms or their products in the blood. In critically ill patients, gram-negative bacteremia is synonymous with gram-negative sepsis. Septic shock is a clinical syndrome characterised by circulatory failure and inadequate tissue perfusion (circulation). Septic shock is primarily, although not exclusively, associated with gram-negative bacilli. The outcome of gram-negative bacteremia cases is determined by the underlying disease of the patient. Patients with life-threatening disease have a very poor prognosis, while sepsis in previously healthy people has a good prognosis. The overall mortality rate (death rate) for gram-negative bacteria is 25%. At the onset of septic shock, mortality increases to 50-60%. Appropriate antibiotics against an infectious organism can reduce mortality, but the vast majority of factors in predicting outcome suggest that prevention and early treatment is the best way to reduce mortality.
  • Changes in the prevalence of multidrug-resistant pathogens and their implications in the intensive care unitG18
    • The prevalence of nosocomial infections (HAIs) and antibiotic resistance of pathogens are on the rise in intensive care units worldwide. Bloodstream infections caused by non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria are associated with higher mortality. Purpose and method: The authors aimed to compare the antibiotic susceptibility data of nosocomial pathogens isolated from haemocultures of patients treated in surgical intensive care units in 2008 and 2010. Results: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella ssp. and Escherichia coli were unaffected, while Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa antibiotic resistance is greatly increased. Mortality was found to be higher in patients infected with multi-drug resistant Gram-negative pathogens compared to patients infected with antibiotic-sensitive bacteria. The active ingredients in garlic, white horehound and bile acids have antibacterial activity against Gram-negative bacteria, which account for the majority of hospital-acquired infections!
  • The garlic inhibits the growth of many respiratory pathogens (bacteria, viruses)B16 under laboratory conditions.
  • The effect against pulmonary infections has been demonstrated in a modern clinical trial.B16 One study found that long-term garlic taken as a preventative measure significantly reduced the risk of developing respiratory infections.
  • The anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antispasmodic effects of king of bitter extract against various pathogens (E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, B. subtilis, Candida albicans) have been experimentally demonstrated C2 C8.
  • The white horehound its immunomodulatory effect Salmonella typhimuriumD3 have been detected in animals infected with the pathogen. Against several pathogens (Gram+ bacteria, fungi, parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii, Trichomonas vaginalis and Plasmodium berghei, E. Coli) antimicrobial effectD3 D4 under laboratory conditions. It has proven antiviral activity against herpes virus.D2 D3
  • Curcumin has a proven immunostimulant effect: it increased the production of antibodies and the white blood cell count during the immune response.E2 But the effect on the immune system is more complex than that. It also reduced airway constriction in experimentally induced allergen-provoked airway obstruction.E6
  • This effect occurs through inhibition of the NF-κB pathway, which has a role in in the development of asthmaE7 is. Available at anti-allergic effect also occurs in food allergies.E21
  • Endotoxins are components of Gram-negative bacteria.G16 They consist of the species-specific lipopolysaccharide (LPS) part and the conserved lipid A, which is the toxic part of the molecule.
    • In pathological cases, endotoxemia is caused by large amounts of endotoxin entering the bloodstream, which can cause trauma and shock. The body's defence mechanism becomes overwhelmed by the increased amount of endotoxin entering the bloodstream, and the immune system "overreacts" to the threat, which can lead to tissue destruction, endotoxic shock and eventually death.
    • Under natural conditions - in certain pathological cases - endotoxin is always absorbed from the gut into the circulation and triggers pathological processes. Under natural conditions, however, bile acids protect the body against endotoxins that are always present in the gut by cleaving them into atoxic parts It also turns out that this protection also protects against all agents with a lipoid structure (e.g. large viruses with envelopes). This protection system, based on the detergent action of bile acids, is physico-chemical protection.

Read more about how bile acids help people's health:

healthy digestion

Bile and digestion

The crucial role of gallbladder and bile acids in digestion

problems after gallbladder surgery

After gallbladder surgery

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Reflux, inflammation of the bowel

Intestinal diseases

IBS, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in relation to bile

gallstone dissolution

Bile stone dissolution

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high cholesterol

High cholesterol

How does proper bile function rid the body of excess cholesterol?

Stressful lifestyle


The link between stress-induced digestive problems and bile acids.

The relationship between bile acids and the immune system.

Immune system support

The beneficial effects of bile acids on the immune system



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epeholyag es epeko

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The antiseptic effect of bile acids

against infections

For infections

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