Absorption, utilisation and the relationship between vitamins A, D, E, K and bile

In times of infection, it is very important to support our immune system by eating a balanced diet and consuming adequate amounts of vitamins, which can be found in vegetables, fruit and fish, as well as vitamin supplements. However, if our digestion is not good enough, it is easy to consume enough fat-soluble vitamins and still not get enough of them.

"Bile acids not only play an important role in digestion, i.e. the breakdown of fats, but also in maintaining the body's immune system: they neutralise the highly toxic substances released when fungi and bacteria die." Also, "the detergent (antiseptic) effect of bile acids extends to all viruses whose skeleton is also made up of fat (lipoprotein or lipoid structure)". Examples are herpes and influenza viruses.

In addition, without bile acids, fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, E, D and K) cannot be absorbed, so even with an apparently adequate supply of vitamins, vitamin deficiencies can develop, which further weakens immunity and can lead to the development of new diseases.

Sources: From bloating to heart attack (Vasárnapi Blikk, August 2014) and Prof. Dr. Lóránd Bertók (Doctor of Medicine, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) - The role of bile acids in the physico-chemical protection of the body (Hungarian Science, 2008/07 page 844)

The importance of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)

The benefits of vitamin D

  • "It is not so well known that vitamin D supports the immune system. Adequate intake of vitamin D can protect against infectious diseases, as can vitamin C.
  • It also has a very good effect on the proper functioning of the heart and muscles." Source: hsph.harvard.edu
  • Vitamin D is necessary for bone formation (so prolonged deficiency can lead to osteoporosis), for healthy skeletal and dental development in children, and also helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestinal tract. Source: hsph.harvard.edu

The role of vitamin E in the body

  • "Vitamin E helps cell regeneration. As an antioxidant, it helps remove by-products that inhibit cell regeneration." Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • It thus "contributes to inhibiting the ageing process.
  • Vitamin E is good for the heart and brain." Source: hsph.harvard.edu

Vitamin A effects on health

  • "Vitamin A is mainly used to is responsible for skin health. (Its deficiency mainly causes skin dryness.)
  • It is also important in the treatment of vision and eye-related problems." Source: healthline.com

The importance of vitamin K

  • "Vitamin K plays an important role in bone formation and the prevention of cardiovascular disease." Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • It also promotes the detoxification function of the liver. Source: hsph.harvard.edu

Gallmet bile acid capsules contain similar amounts of bile acids, but GALLMET-Mix also contains herbal extracts that support digestion, while GALLMET-Extra contains digestive enzymes and herbal extracts that also support digestion.

Read more about how bile acids help people's health:

Stressful lifestyle


The relationship between stress and bile function and digestion

against gallstones


How can gallstones be prevented and treated with bile acids?

Symptoms and direct or indirect effects of active substances

Gall bladder surgery

What can you do if you have problems after gall bladder surgery?

high cholesterol

High cholesterol

How does proper bile function rid the body of excess cholesterol?

The relationship between bile acids and the immune system.

Immune system support

Bile acids contribute to natural resistance

IBS, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease

Intestinal diseases

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and the relationship with bile

support digestion with bile acids

Digestive support

One of the main functions of bile acids is to break down fats


Weight reduction

How can proper bile function contribute to weight loss?

laboratory test

Effect of bile acids

Physiological effects of bile acids

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