An Insight into a Blockbuster Phytomedicine; Marrubium vulgare L. Herb. Bardziej mit niż rzeczywistość?

An Insight into a Blockbuster Phytomedicine; Marrubium vulgare L. Herb. More of a Myth than a Reality?



Aerial parts and the root of Marrubium vulgare L. (white horehound) have been traditionally used in Europe and in southern and eastern Mediterranean countries. During colonization, the plant was introduced in America to great levels of popularity because of the simplicity of its growing; it was especially popular in Mexico and Brazil, where it has been known as 'maromba', 'marroio' or 'marroio-branco'. Ethnopharmacological uses of M. vulgare include treating respiratory diseases such as acute or chronic bronchitis, colds and asthma. The plant is also used in cases where there is a lack of appetite or dyspepsia and for diagnosed type II diabetes. It has even been used for antihypertensive therapy. For decades, scientists have carried out extensive research trying to explain these and other pharmacologic actions. It is time to systematize and critically analyse the quality of results found to date.


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